로테르담 지역 디자인 스튜디오, Studio Modijefsky의 최신작, 홀리 스모크 바의 조화로운 인테리어 디자인은 마주한 광장과 호흡은 물론, 장소성을 연속하는 고유한 캐릭터를 제안합니다. 디자이너가 주로 사용하는 메탈 디자인과 디테일은 다크우드를 사용한 바닥, 가구, 바 카운터와 믹스 매치되며 벨기에 라임스톤 및 마블과 함께 따뜻하며 안락한 분위기를 연출합니다.
Amsterdam-based Studio Modijefsky
is behind the well-balanced design of the new Holy Smoke bar and diner
on Rotterdam’s Tiedplein Square. Known for their creative use of metal
and attention to detail, the studio has created a warm and comfortable
space that generously opens out onto the square and the street using
dark wood for the floors, furniture and bar counter, complemented with
colourful ironwork and slabs of Belgian limestone and marble.
A line-up of tubular lights hangs above the bar - in accord with the
theme of vertical lines used all across the space - highlight the glass
rack below. The building’s history and architectural design have
informed the venue’s interior design and visual identity: the wooden
panelling and custom-made lamps on the wall nod to the space’s previous
use as a cigar shop while details from the historic building’s façade
were used to design Holy Smoke’s logo, menu and website.
from yatzer