*낡음과 새로움을 조합한 스페인 고택의 재건축-[ David Estal ] Ca Peter & Lisa

지금 사진에서 보이는 집은, 지중해를 따라 남북으로 놓인 거리인 El Cabanyal의 역사깊은 거주지역 사이에 위치해 있다. 1925년에 지어진 중정형 집을 다시 되살리는 프로젝트로써, 정원은 앞쪽으로 놓인 메인 공간과 뒤쪽의 더 작게도 있는 구조이다. 또한 중간 벽에 접한 층계를 통해 테라스로 갈 수 있도록 되어 있다.  

이번 프로젝트에서 가장 어려웠던 점은 건물 안에 자연 채광을 끌어들이고, 새롭게 이 집에서 살 사람들을 위하여 거주할만한 요건들을 증진시키는 것이었다. 일단은 철거 후에 중정으로 향하는 집의 전진적인 발전에 대하여 조사를 하게 되었고, 새롭게 깔릴 바닥들을 위해 50년대에 떨어져 나간 지붕을 사용했고, 강화 콘크리트로 새로운 구조를 지탱시켰다. 기본적으로는 재건축이지만 근처 거리와의 관계를 개선하고, 지역의 삶과 관련된 요소들을 회복하는 것을 목적으로 했다. 

The house is located a plot between walls of the historic neighborhood of El Cabanyal, in one of the north-south streets parallels to the Mediterranean Sea. The project is an integral rehabilitation of a Courtyard house from 1925. The crossing plot (east-west) allows the cross ventilation and provides direct access from the street; both of them inner characteristics of the maritime urban fabric.  Its elongated rectangular plant (27,7 x 5,4 m) allows a sunny courtyard faced by the shadow of two lemon trees. The courtyard structures the main space at the front and an opposite one, smaller, located at the back. Also there is the access, through a stair adjoined to the mid wall, to a terrace placed above the small volume. The intervention is based on respecting the existing volume, with 150m2 of total surface and 106m2 of build surface.

  • Architects: David Estal
  • Location: Valencia-Cabanyal, 46011 Valencia, Valencia, Spain
  • Project Year: 2015
  • Photographs: Mariela Apollonio
  • Partner: Juan Pablo Perales
  • Constructor: Ensencon

After the demolition, there was a research on the progressive development of the house towards the courtyard. The raised practiced in the 50s replaced the double fall down roof for both current floors, supported by a new structure of reinforced concrete. Later, it was developed three structure units with massive brick pillars, and after all, the typical lateral body of the kitchen that would end up by being closed up, completing the four structure units that remain nowadays, and getting darker the interior. Due to it, the main challenge of the project was to introduce natural light in the build space and to increase inhabitable conditions for the new owners.

Consequently, the basic idea of this rehabilitation, showing the built traces and without the effort of restoration is orthopedic, has consisted of recovering those elements linked living of El Cabanyal, promoting the relation with the street, the crossed ventilation, the centrality of the court and the original height (from 3 to 4m) by means of a Mediterranean materiality that confirms the warmth of the finished ones, constructive simplicity and traditional textures with a contemporary offer of space more diapohanous than the condition previous to the build. And all this, it has been satisfactory thanks to the complicity between client, builder, architect and neighbors in a neighborhood that undoubtedly deserves this rehabilitation hopefully renewed: for what was, for what it is and for what so many citizens have fought for.

from  archdaily


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