*환경을 극복하여 공간을 확장시킨 오사카 주택-[ Tato Architects ] House in Toyonaka

사실, 메인 건축물과 직접적으로 연관이 없는 계단이나 핸드레일같은 건축 부속물들을 다루기는 쉽지 않은 일이다. 

그런데 이러한 것이 편견이었음을 부가적인 성분들은 추상적이기 위하여 줄여졌을 때 그저 건축적 공간이 점진적으로 고정되는 것임을 이번 오사카의 프로젝트로 알게 되었다. 

이 지역은 좁고 길며, 불규칙적인 모양인데다 경사가 기울여 졌다. 이러한 제한 하에 여러 층의 갑판들을 혀용함으로써 공간의 확장을 만들어 내야 한다고 생각하고, 그늘이 많이 드리워진 환경에 의해 높이는 7미터보다 높지 않도록 해야 했다. 

건물의 규모는 지상에서 2층 높이며, 지하는 1층으로 내려갔다. 지상으로 올라간 부분은 7개로 나뉘어져 겉에서 보기에는 깊이 있는 주름과 같은 모양을 만들었다. 이러한 식으로 다이나믹한 추상적 의미를 달성하였고, 이 곳에 사는 사람들은 주변의 풍경을 사방에서 둘러싸인 환경을 갖게 되었다. 

Dynamic Abstractness.

It is difficult to deal with architectural elements such as stairs and handrails that don’t have direct relation to the main architectural composition.

  • Architects: Tato Architects
  • Location: Toyonaka, Osaka Prefecture, Japan
  • Architect in Charge: Yo Shimada
  • Area: 50.0 sqm
  • Project Year: 2015
  • Photographs: Shinkenchiku Sha
  • Design Team: Yo Shimada, Nobuhiko Sato, Takashi Manda, Taijiro Kato
  • Structure: Takashi Manda Structural
  • Construction: Kohatsu co., LTD.
  • Text: Yo Shimada

It might be my prejudice, but architectural space gradually becomes static, when additive elements are reduced to be abstract. It also has an effect on various human activities and furniture to vividly come to front, but sometimes it appears as if they are being denied.

I have tried to achieve a design, in which the main architectural composition, such as relation between slabs, stands out but at the same time secondary elements as mentioned above are also become a vivid issue of the design. 

My query was to find out whether it is possible to create space that has quality of, so to speak, dynamic abstractness, enabling space to all the more get settled when activities and things are mixed with the space and objects are flooded there.

Having a left over, unbuilt triangular plot in its neighboring landand an agricultural land across the street, the site was relatively open. The client requested a house there, in which they can live comfortably protecting their privacy appropriately.

The site is narrow and long, irregular-shaped and sloped. The area is enforced with strict wall-setback restriction and also had a shadow regulation. Under the limitations, we considered creating stretch of space by using mitigation of the regulation that permits decks and eaves to protrude over setback lines. Exempted from the shadow regulation, the eaves height was decided to be less than 7 meters.

The volume resulted in two-storiesabove the ground and one underground story. The part above the ground is sliced into seven layers, shifted, stacked and eliminated to create deep pleated exterior appearance. The manipulation is similar to House in Matsunoki (GA HOUSES 140), which was being designed around the same period.

In House in Matsunoki, different materials were used to articulate segments, but in this residence, all are finished with white FRPso that pleats can be made deeper both inside and outside. In this way, we tried to make relation with exterior space, while protecting the inside with wrapping belt-like space.

The shifted volumes function as balconies, eaves and windows outside, while the level gaps generated by the shift work as a desk, landings and shelves inside. From the windows created in-between stripes, nearby bushes, a series of tiled roofs are framed horizontally.

In this way, we aimed to achieve dynamic abstractness, in which the architectural design, residents’ properties, surrounding landscape and the stacked shifted volumes are mixed.

from  archdaily


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