*웨어하우스에서 오피스로 [ SALT ] stock shared offices in tokyo

웨어하우스에서 오피스로. 오피스 리노베이션의 화두는 고유한 캐릭터 창출과 기존 웨어하우스의 기능성 보존에 있습니다. 이를 위해 5층으로 이루어진 무창 건물에 도로변으로 가로로 연속된 창문을 설치, 쾌적한 실내환경을 유지시켜주는 자연채광을 유입시킵니다. 10년 이상된 오래된 컨테이너 출입문의 독특함은 도로변에서 건물에 대한 인지성을 확보하는 요소로 적용됩니다. 식당에 설치된 10미터 길이의 대형 테이블은 기타 이벤트 또는 업무를 위한 유연성을 제공합니다.

ogata yoshiki / SALT and watase ikuma teamed up to transform a warehouse in tokyo into stock shared offices. the existing building had a five-story container architecture style, surrounded by metal, with low ceilings and no windows. this gave it a very inorganic feeling that the architects wanted to eliminate. the first thing they did to accomplish their goal was to create a large aperture with wooden-framed windows facing the street, letting natural light flow into the space.

웨어하우스, 오피스 리노베이션. 기존 건물 5층 컨테이너 건축 스타일. 메탈로 둘러 쌓인. 낮은 천장과 창문이 없는. 변경. 가로변으로 빛 유입하는 창문 생성. 자연광 유입.

title: stock share office
design: yoshiki ogata / yoshikiogata+salt, ikumawatas
pic: yoshiki ogata, ikumawatase
graphics: uma design farm
planting: yasukazu nishihata and yudainishihata from hanaichiharuen
furniture: kan nagata from iei studio
location: 2-16-4 takanawa, minato-ku, tokyo 108-0074 japan
principle use: share office
construction: d.brain co.,ltd.
number of stories: 5
floor area: 1f: 231.02m2 2f: 231.02m2 3f: 217.98m2 4f: 217.98m2 5f: 188.90m2
structure: steel
completion: september 1st, 2015
photo: yoshiro masuda

since the property exists in the middle of a hill and had no defining landmark, they planted a more than 12 meter high sequoia to create a distinctive feature along the street. because the depth of the shrubbery was only 1800mm, they made the root bowl as small as possible, and installed the tree at the top of the hill. as for the rest of the plants, their heights were levered to the sequoia, and selected based on their varying leaf colors to add visual diversity.

a ten-year-old marine container has been appropriated to act as the entrance door, and clearly shows when the office is open or closed. a ten-meter long kitchen is arranged towards the big open concept space as well as a variety of furniture intends to correspond to the user’s moods, events, or work activities: when combined, the benches can become a hearth;  and when piled, the stools become shelves. there are no more than three pieces of furniture that are the same, giving users the chance to customize their work environment every day.

from designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY