*브뤼셀, 단독주택 리모델링 [ Aurelie Hachez Architecte ] Workshop

벨기에 브뤼셀 근처 시골에 있는 슈메이커(shoemaker)의 작업실은 단독 주택으로 변형되었다. 1950년 대에 지어진 중앙의 건물은 세월이 지남에 따라 동과 서로 합쳐졌다. 나무로 만들어진 이 건물은 "손으로 지은 오두막집"의 형태로 변모하였다. 그와 비교하여 전체적으로 집은 건축 시 안정성의 측면에서 벽돌로 된 벽으로 단단히 지지시키고, 약간 지하로 뭍힌 형태로 지어졌다.

2012년에 화재가 난 이후에 지붕은 새로 지어져야만 했는데, 예산의 한계로 인해 지붕은 약간 원래의 프레임을 살리면서 도드라지게 강조 하는 방향으로 변형되었다.


This shoemaker’s workshop located in the countryside near Louvain-la-Neuve was converted into a single family home. Built in 1950, the central building was supplemented over the years with annexes to the west and the east. This wooden building made of bits and pieces has the appearance of a “homemade woodstock cottage”.


  • Architects: Aurelie Hachez Architecte
  • Location: Chaumont-Gistoux, Belgium
  • Area: 90.0 sqm
  • Project Year: 2013
  • Photographs: Maxime Delvaux
  • Contractor / Enterprise: Alter Abita
  • Engineer / Stabilite: Alter Ingénieurs

On the contrary, the whole house is semi-buried and leans against a sturdy supporting brick wall conferring a sense of stability to the construction. Originally covered with coating, this wall was exposed during the renovation to valorize its constructive character. Following a fire in 2012, the roof had to be rebuilt. Despite limited budget, the goal was to make the most of the house’s volumes. The rooftop was slightly heightened and original elements of the framework were removed to restore the importance of the central space as a «foyer».

The night time spaces were organized in the annexes flanking this large central volume. In the west, the lobby and the garage were also lowered by 60cm to add a floor under the roof. Its reduced height makes this space including a bedroom and a music room cozy and flexible. To the east, two other bedrooms were placed, one with a mezzanine.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY