*펑크락 일러스트레이션 freak city paints punk rock-themed mural inside an old dentist's school

키치스럽다. 펑크하다라는 표현이 어쩌면 적절할 수도 있지만, 공간을 바라보는 시각에 따라 달리 읽는다. 먼저 유쾌한 감정이 든다. 다소 난해에 보이는 그림이지만, 파스텔톤의 컬러가 전달하는 달짝지근한 감성이 전체 벽화를 순화시키며 흥미로운 시각으로 바라보게 도와준다. 여기에 비현실적인 그림 또한 감각적인 상상력을 자극, 이곳에 있으면 무언가라도 해야 할 것만 같은 심상을 불러 일으킨다. 치과교육장으로써 학생들의 교육에 얼마나 도움이 될런지는 조금 생각을 해보자.

for the collective inside out exhibition hosted an old dental school in rennes, french illustrator known as freak city has completed an immersive mural that spans all four walls surrounding visitors to the site. each of the creatives curated byteenage kicks were invited to paint an entire room, without any hinderance to a specific motif or theme. open doors between the spaces generate unique interactions between the multiple artists’ works, creating surprising views and juxtaposing perspectives between each of the hand-painted areas. 

for his interpretation of the space, freak city partnered with marianne of bordeaux-based atelier kobalt to create a punk rock-inspired mural replete with patterns, rhythms, and funky geometrical compositions. the imagery expresses the ever-present battle between technology and humanity, featuring faces half consumed by robotic parts, pills scattered across the walls and the acronym ‘SOS. ‘we wanted to spread a powerful message to be read all along four walls, making it a real story, but also mimicking the cycle of life,’the artists describe. ‘this is all about the duality between natural forces and modern technology, that instead of evolving hand in hand, tend to be in conflict.’

from  designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY