*샌프란시스코 극장 리노베이션 SOM recasts old San Francisco movie house for new role as a nonprofit theatre

샌프란시코에 위치한 100년된 건물은 이제 지역주민을 위한 커뮤니티 시설로 복원 됩니다. 외관에 부착된 기존 석재 복원 (적색 페인트 도장과 새로운 사인 추가)은 물론 콘크리트와 강철구조를 이용, 내부공간을 로비와 카페 그리고 두개의 강당을 포함한 극장시설로 재구성됩니다.

SOM's San Francisco office has transformed an abandoned cinema into a multipurpose performance and community venue for the American Conservatory Theater, a prominent arts organisation in the Bay Area .

Photography is by Bruce Damonte.

The firm renovated the 20,000-square-foot (6,000 square metres) movie house to create a flexible theatre with two auditoriums, along with with a three-storey lobby and cafe.

The building's cast stone facade was restored, and the concrete and steel structure behind was treated to create a more durable frame for the new spaces inserted. The facade was painted red, and new graphics and signage were added.

"This project started with a 100-year-old building that had been a workhorse motion picture house. It had good bones and a great site on Market Street," said SOM design director Michael Duncan.

The three-storey lobby makes the activities within the building visible to the street. Visitors and staff crisscross on stairways with perforated metal panels and look down to the lobby and cafe from cantilevered balconies. An LED screen shows rotating video art.

from  dezeen


Designed by JB FACTORY