*자연을 이야기합니다. 전원주택 [ carvalho araújo ] gerês house

자연으로 회귀, 또는 자연과의 동기화는 이번 하우스가 추구하는 건축의 가장 큰 모티브로 작용합니다. 수평성이 강조된 콘크리트 볼륨은 자연과 사람을 연결하는 매개체 역활은 물론 편안한 거주공간을 제공하는 바탕으로 거주자에게 다가옵니다. 주변 지형을 거스르지 않는 산세를 따라 자리 잡은 모양새 또한 인위적인 방향보다 자연적인 흐름을 존중하는 디자인의 바탕에서 선택, 반영됩니다.

this horizontally-formed house by braga-based studio carvalho araújo is located within portugal’s only national park. located on a steep slope in the caniçada valley, ‘gerês house’ replaces the site’s previous structure, which was demolished due to landslide risk.

the new construction takes advantage of its hillside setting, with access provided from the upper level. from here, inhabitants are offered sweeping views across the picturesque landscape, characterized by the winding route of a passing stream that culminates in a small pool bordered by an area of decking.

the residence appears as two interlocking blocks — an elevated wooden volume sitting atop its sturdy concrete base. the use of these two materials continues inside the property. rather than designing a conventional internal program, the architects sought to include large, functional, and multipurpose spaces — allowing occupants to combine programs related to both pleasure and work.

the dwelling’s primary social area is a centrally positioned living room that extends to the outside via a large terrace. the kitchen and services are arranged on the same floor as the living room, with more intimate spaces found at the upper storey.

from  designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY