*프랑스 공공지원주택-[ inSpace Architecture ] 73 boulevard de la Villette

SIEMP와 Mother and Child Welfare Center 를 위한 공공 지원 주택으로 14개의 유닛을 갖춘 73 boulevard de la Villette 프로젝트는 환경을 반영하는 물질을 이용하여 설계하였다. 두개의 두드러진 리얼리티의 측면을 표현하고 있는데, 하나는 위치한 거리 특유의 삶, 그리고 도시 구역의 중심부에서의 삶을 반영하고 있다. 이는 다양한 높이를 한 건물의 컨셉을 통해 발전시킬 수 있었다.

건물의 측면을 처리한 방식은 두 개의 독특한 환경을 반영할 수 있도록 설계되었는데, 거리를 향하는 면에서의 건물은 부드러운 면을 하고 있어 인접한 면하고는 상대적으로 비교된다. 건축가들은 형의 요소를 재해석함으로써 다른 면과도 조화로운 관계를 형성할 수 있도록 하였다.

The project at 73 boulevard de la Villette in the 10th arrondissement of Paris comprises 14 units of social housing for the SIEMP and a Mother and Child Welfare Center (Protection Maternelle et Infantile, or PMI) for the Department of Families and Infants (DFPE) of the city of Paris.

The integration of the project into the lot demonstrates the intention to set up a building that assimilates the composition with the context, its morphologies and urban specificities, and thus designed as an element that reflects its environment. The building expresses two distinct aspects of reality: life on the boulevard, and life in the heart of the city block. This duality is developed at various levels of the building’s conception.

Program: social housing and mother and child welfare center

Architects: inSpace Architecture

Contractor: SIEMP

Engineer consultant: Igrec Ingénierie / TRIBU HQE

Cost: 2,5M€ before tax

Area: 1400 sqm

Completion: November 2015

The facade on the boulevard de la Villette, with encumbered with more important acoustical constraints than the rest of the block, is in concrete insulated from the exterior, whereas the facade overlooking the calmer core of the block is comprised of a wood frame. The treatment of the facades was designed to reflect these two distinct ambiances. On the boulevard de la Villette side, the building’s smooth facade contrasts with adjacent facades. The desire to develop a harmonious relation with the other facades led the architects to borrow formal elements from them for a reinterpretation. This facade, a composition of a smooth image completely free of any ornament, takes advantage of the seasonal changes of the trees lining the boulevard, forming a backdrop for the constantly changing shadows, density of reflections and colors.

The volumetry of the inner courtyard side is on the scale of a house, in a world protected from the agitation on the boulevard. The facade of the upper floors is in wood, a warm and natural material, which, in the context of the view of the planted terraces, offers a comforting and pleasant vision to the building’s occupants.

from domusweb


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