*일본 아쓰기 유치원-[ HIBINOSEKKEI + Youji no Shiro ] AN Kindergarten

이번 프로젝트는 일본 가나가와현에 있는 아쓰기(Atsugi)에서도 조용한 주택단지에 42년 된 유치원을 새롭게 리모델링하는 일이었다. 다양한 교육적 니즈를 반영하면서도 지진이나 시대적인 변화를 고려하기 위해 이 유치원을 다음 세대를 위한 타입으로 변화시켜야만 했다.

5미터나 되는 넓이를 한 넓은 통로는 기존 건물의 한 가운데를 차지하고 있었는데, 이 부분을 새로운 건물에 기존 건물의 기억을 연결시키면서도 스타일이나 플로우 측면에서 모던하게 연결하는 디자인으로 계획하였다.

1층 건물이 2층으로 바뀌기 때문에 서로 서로를 볼 수 없었던 포인트를 만들어내기 위해 열린 천정 공간을 많이 설정했고, 일본의 낮 동안 에어 컨디션의 사용과 전열등의 사용을 줄이기 위해 공용 공간에는 넓은 입구를 만들어 공기의 흐름을 이끌고 태양이 직접적으로 들어올 수 있도록 하였다. 최근 몇년 간 아이들의 육체적 활동이나 창의성에 대한 측면이 많이 줄어들 고 있다는 점을 고려하여, 다양한 장소에 실내 놀이터를 변화있게 둠으로써 이러한 점을 증진시킬 수 있도록 하였다.


The site is located in part of the quiet residential area in Atsugi city in Kanagawa Prefecture. We designed the existing building of the kindergarten 42 years ago, and the building has been watching how many children have been growing.


Architects HIBINOSEKKEI , Youji no Shiro
Location Kanagawa Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan
Area 1386.0 sqm
Photographs Studio Bauhaus

However, as a variety of educational needs have been produced along with consideration for earthquake resistance and change of age, we were requested to change the kindergarten to the type for the next generation that is appropriate for the current days, and accepted to design it again.

As there was a large corridor as wide as 5 meters in the middle of the existing building, we decided to design by arranging the building in modern style and flow planning while taking over the memory of the existing building in the new building.

To improve the point that they cannot see each other since 1 floor building is transformed to 2floor building, we set a number of open ceiling spaces.

In addition, for the purpose of reducing lighting and use of air conditioning during the day in Japan where the building by energy saving has been a theme since the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake, we set a large opening in the common area to have a high sidelight where the sufficient sun hits indirectly and to cause the air to flow.

This produced a space bright enough without using the light and they can remove heat from the high sidelight and opening. In Japan where it is hot with high humidity, it is an eco facility for the next generation without using air conditioning.

As for interior, we designed by imagining “woods”. In the woods, there are factors that prompt a variety of discoveries, chances and 5 senses. The communication space in the center imagines this kind of “woods”.

Each child has a “nursing room” to which they go back. In the woods, there are small and large space, small step, space where they draw a picture, climbing space and a hut similar to tree house.

There is a small window in the hut, and it produces a new connection with children who are playing at downstairs. The hut under the stairs looks like a hole in large tree, and a soft cushion is spread in whole space. By this, the children lie and lean in the tree where they can relax and read a book.

As for climbing wall, there are a variety of facilities with colorful colors. We dared to select the material that is close to the stone in nature since we wanted to create an image that is similar to original rocky area.

In recent years when children’s physical ability and creativity have been decreased, we expect that they can start improving their ability by setting a variety of playgrounds indoor at different places.

from archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY