*램파트 웨이브, 아이들의 놀이터 [ BASE Landscape Architecture ] THE RAMPART WAVE

아이들을 위한 조금 위험한 놀이터, 렘파트 웨이브. 기존 공간에 대한 기억은 아이들과 부모를 위한 소셜, 놀이공간으로 재구성됩니다. 허물어진 성곽의 재현은 현대적인 건축어휘의 모습으로 아이들에게 높이 7미터, 길이 50미터의 거대한 파도를 생성합니다. 우드플로링을 이용, 바닥과 벽은 곡선을 이루며 연속됩니다. 이는 아이들에게 뛰어놀기, 기어오르기, 매달리기 등 다양한 놀이를 제공합니다.

In the heart of Lyon, on the old Sergent Blandan barracks from 1830, a new public space of 20 hectares was opened in 2014 : Blandan park. On this nonstandard site, unnoticeable for a long time, new urban, contemporary and exclusive spaces were designed for “Grand Lyon”. The Rampart Wave is one of those spaces. It is a 1000 m² wooden playground designed based on the risk-taking concept already experimented with in the Belleville playgrounds in Paris (2008) and Lormont (2014). The Wave plays upon the story of a 19th century rampart attack. On opening day this allegorical collapsed wall triggered a playful hysteria for children and parents. 50 meters long and 7 meters high, the playground was literally attacked by overexcited children aged 4 to 12 years who were filled with emotion. The playground plan is so complex than nobody knows exactly where the concealed passageways lead and which alcoves go to which entrances. There are countless ways to reach the slides. Like in Belleville, risk-taking is the playful aim of this playground that is designed for progression, learning and challenging oneself. In spite of its architectural size, the Wave is not a building. It is a landscape, an area to feel, to explore, a live playful allegory for children.


from landezine


Designed by JB FACTORY