*뉴욕호텔 루프탑 바, 버블 바 outdoor bar in a bubble on the rooftop of this New York hotel

버블이 전달하는 이색적인 풍경은 물론, 차가운 겨울철 날씨로 부터 즐거운 시간을 보장받을 수 있습니다. 뉴욕호텔, 루프탑 바에 설치된 특별한 부스; 버블바를 통해 이러한 경험을 즐길 수 있습니다.

Right now it’s winter in New York City, and at Bar 54, the highest hotel rooftop bar in the city, located at the Hyatt Hotel in Times Square, they have bubbles on the outside of the building, where you can have a cocktail, but remain protected from the cold wind.

Of course, reservations are required and there is a 2-drink minimum, but you get to be cozy and have a unique experience in one of the two bubbles on the rooftop.

Because even when it’s sunny, it can still be windy and cold, but the bubble will protect you.

Photography by Hyatt Times Square

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