*자연채광과 열적 쾌적성을 갖춘 프랑스 파리의 사무실-[ FUSO atelier d’architectures ] JM0 open-space

파리 근교에 위치한 JM0 오픈 스페이스는, 창고였던 곳을 자연채광과 열적 쾌적성을 갖춘 사무실로 개조되었다. 이번 프로젝트를 조직하기에 두가지 주요한 조정사항이 있었는데, 하나는 조립식 목재를 이용한 폐쇄 공간을 구성하는 것, 또 다른 하나는 두 개의 열린 외부 파티오를 만드는 것이었다.

재미있고 따뜻한 분위기를 가진 사무실과 회의실은 구조적으로 목재 패널로 구성하였다. 어쿠스틱하게 처리된 이 곳은 자연 채광이 깊숙히까지 들어올 수 있도록 파티션 없는 열린 공간으로 되어 있다. 파티오들은 통제된 자연 체광을 제공하고 있어서 외부와 내부 공간 사이에 경계를 무너뜨리면서 하늘의 프레임을 제공하면서도 열린 사무 공간 사이에서의 친밀성을 부여한다.

Located in the outskirts near Paris, the conversion of this 1800m2 former storage facility completes a long term reflection with management and users on the complete redevelopment of the premises allowing the company to welcome its subsidiaries on a site location strategically situated nearby the historic head office.


Architects: FUSO atelier d’architectures
Location: 6 Rue Jean Martin, 93400 Saint-Ouen, France
Architect in Charge: Jerome Balas & Daniel Garcia architectes
Project Team: IPH (structural engineering+ economy), BALAS (installations engineering) , SERIAL (acoustical)
Area: 2250.0 sqm
Project Year: 2015
Photographs: Clement Guillaume
Client: SCI Jean Martin
Surface: 1.330m² offices +920m² outdoor
Cost: 2.1M €
Program: Transformation of a warehouse in offices

The transformation of a warehouse in offices immediately raises the question of natural lighting and thermal comfort. We considered the size of the volume (60m x 30m x 4.3m) and the scarcity of façade openings as so many positive constraints to structure the project in two main interventions: creating closed spaces using prefabricated timber and opening two exterior patios.

Favoring a playful and warm atmosphere, offices and meeting rooms are made of structural wooden panels. Prefabrication through digital machining of these elements enabled rapid implementation on site without the need for lifting equipment.

Acoustically treated, they structure the space without partitioning it in order to let natural light into the depth of the volume and answer technical constraints: networks, smoke control and free cooling.

Cut from the mass of the volume of the old storage room, the patios provide controlled natural light. Blurring the frontier between outdoor and indoor spaces, they offer a framing of the sky and highlight the depth and intimacy between open office spaces.

from archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY