*예술작품을 직접 체험할 수 있는 스페인박물관-[ ime Hayon ] New 'Discovery Space' at the Groninger Museum

스페인 디자이너 Jaime Hayon은 자신이 전에 디자인하기도 했던 Groninger Museum 내 인포메이션 센터 확장 작업을 맡게 되면서, 자신의 능력이 과연 어디까지일까 다시 한번 시험에 놓인 듯한 느낌이었다. 기존에 가지고 있던 디자인 언어의 연속상에 있으면서도 새로운 공간이 되어야할 이곳은 방문객들이 놀고, 창의적인 생각을 하면서도 직접 손으로 만질 수 있는 다양 한 것들을 통해 직접 배울 수 있는 공간이어야 했던 것이다.

수많은 고심 끝에 디자이너는 예술 작품으로 가득한 열린 공간이면서도 동시에, 이 곳을 방문한 관람객들이 제한 없이 예술 작품들을 만지고 느끼고 경험할 수 있는 곳으로 탄생시키는 데 성공했다.

Spanish designer Jaime Hayon has once again put his skills to the test to complete an extension to the Information Centre he previously designed at the Groninger Museum. Completed in 2015, the extension to the Dutch museum’s educational offering includes a new Discovery Space and Studio which is seamlessly integrated in Hayon’s inimitable style; this new space which is a continuation of the project’s existing design language, delivers a space for visitors to play, be creative and explore all kinds of materials through hands-on learning. Bold blue glass-fronted cabinets and drawers filled with artworks may be opened and pulled out, allowing guests to touch and engage with artworks in a way that is ordinarily off-limits, while also being able to use the studio space to make their own art works.

For this new space, Hayon has drawn inspiration from the jungle —albeit a modernised and highly stylised one, with a graphic and minimalistic mask motif discreetly represented in details all around the space. A serpentine table with Hayon’s signature radius-edge style winds through the studio space, provides a playful work surface and assists visitors to engage with one another as they sit side-by-side on smiling-face stools while decorative custom lighting hangs overhead, emulating tree branches with the light bulbs sitting on them like birds. In keeping with the style and tone of palette implemented in Hayon’s 2010 renovation of the museum’s Information Centre, custom-designed marble floors continue throughout the new spaces; meanwhile the existing, delicious mint green and burnt orange walls are complemented with candy-like pink and blue, colours also known as the 2016 Pantone colours of the year: Rose Quartz and Serenity blue.

from yatzer


Designed by JB FACTORY