*프랑스 고성을 왕관모양의 배치를 한 탁아시설로-[ Dominique Coulon & associés ] Nursery in Buhl

프랑스 북동부 보주의 언덕배기에는 14세기에 지어진 성이 있었다. 이 곳을 탁아시설로 바꾸는 작업이 이루어졌는데, 아이들의 놀이 공간을 마치 성벽이 보호하고 있는 듯한 거대한 입구를 이룬 외벽부터가 눈에 뜨인다. 이 곳의 공간 배열은 보주 산맥들을 두루 즐길 수 있게 되어 있다. 연속적인 왕관 모양을 한 건물은 온전히 직사각형 형태를 유지하고 있는데, 이러한 배치는 프로젝트 전반에 깊이를 부여한다. 건물 중심부는 마치 만화경처럼 자연 채광으로 그 높이를 배가 시키고 현란한 재미를 준다.

The building marks the entrance to a small village nestling in a valley in Alsace. A 14th-century castle dominates the site from the nearby hillside. The day nursery echoes the orthonormal geometry of the fortified castle. A perimeter wall with openings like on a castle wall protects the children’s playgrounds. This spatial arrangement offers views of the rounded outlines of the Vosges mountains.


    •    Architects: Dominique Coulon & associés
    •    Location: 14 Rue de la Fabrique, 68530 Buhl, France
    •    Author Architectes: Dominique Coulon, David Romero-Uzeda, Olivier Nicollas
    •    Architectes Assistants: Javier Gigosos Ruipérez, Diego Bastos-Romero, Gautier Duthoit
    •    Area: 763.0 sqm
    •    Project Year: 2015
    •    Photographs: Eugeni Pons , David Romero-Uzeda
    •    Construction Site Supervision:  David Romero-Uzeda
    •    Structural Engineer:  Batiserf
    •    Electrical Engineer:  BET G.Jost
    •    Mechanical Plumbing Engineer: Solares Bauen
    •    Cost Estimator:  E3 économie
    •    Acoustics:  Euro sound project
    •    Kitchen Expert:  Ecotral
    •    Landscaping:  Philippe Obliger
    •    Budget: 1 700 000 €

The principle of the strictly rectangular plan is an arrangement of successive crowns containing the elements of the project. These layers give depth to the project overall. The heart of the building is formed by a central space which emerges at double the height and plays with natural light like a kaleidoscope. This almost cubic volume condenses a host of faces ranging in colour from pink to red. The matte and shiny colours resonate, shaping the space to make it richer and more subtle.

The multiple transparencies installed between the different layers give an indication of the depth of the building. There is abundant natural light throughout, captured by skylights emerging from the overall volume.

The building appears in the landscape like a fragmented monolith where the play of solids and hollows is reminiscent of something like a Lego model of a castle. The building is surrounded by sixty-eight apple trees which hark back to the local agricultural landscape. 

from archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY