*에너지 뮤지엄 [ Arquitecturia ] Museum of Energy

공간의 유연한 기능성 확보를 위한 직선은 검은색 외장재를 통해 정의됩니다. 건물의 각 맞은편, 움푹 파인 두개의 곡선은 내외부 관계를 새롭게 연결합니다. 직선과 곡선, 흑과 백이 전달하는 대비감은 큰 선으로 건물의 캐릭터를 표현합니다.

this SITEdesolate land |landscape and industry not related |simply juxtaposed |they coexist without tension |here, in this place |the boundary condition is strongly felt |uncomfortable |there is no shelter |between the Ebro and the topography |between industry and the urban settelment |the need to anchor this place is strong |we start dusting off the GRID |On the blank paper |A square 42 x 42 |Abstract |Perimeter without references |On the Square |An orthogonal grid |rows interval: A A B A A |columns interval: a b a a b a |On the Grid |B divides the square into two |between the receiveing space and the space of exhibition |B articulates | B is circulation and transition |On the Grid |the type |a b a a b a modulate and order |programmatic conditionsthe type on this site |lost purity |now, it emanates a sense of belonging |intertwined abstraction and specificity |XY are no axes anymore but coordinates |Two structural directions |est west | landscape | the Ebre river and topographynorth south | artifice | industry and the town of Ascófrom outside to inside |accidental spaces |subtracted MATTER |emptiness is absence |the interior is revealed |

from architizer


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