*연필홀더 pencil+ sharpens, extends and transports your favorite tool

몽땅연필 하우스. 모나미153 볼펜 껍데기에 몽땅연필을 끼워서 사용해 본적 있습니까? 그 기억이 없다면 아련함보다 신선함, 또는 자연을 생각하는 환경보호에 대한 생각이 먼저 일꺼다. 여러 브랜드에서 출시하는 연필홀더도 있지만 조금은 특별하고, 고유해 보인다. 감성적인 측면에서

we all know what it’s like to see how we have to throw away our pencils, even though there’s still a lot of them to be used. or how we can accumulate them because we don’t have a sharpener close to us, ending up with many unsharpened ones. or when we ran out of erasers, or the tip breaks. but worry no more because with pencil+ you can now have a sharpener, extender, eraser holder and transporter for your favorite tool. this is the design overhaul wooden pencil that artists, designers, musicians and creatives have been waiting for and deserve.

available in teak, ebony, wild olive, african padauk and indonesian redwood, pencil+ lets you use your pencil until it is finally ready to retire at 14mm. its design allows you to extend any length and any type of pencil to its original post-sharpened size. this product is for those who enjoy a sharp and simple wooden pencil without any of the drawbacks.

from designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY