*공장에서 선종의 종교공간과 다도실로 리노베이션-[ He Wei ] Ding Hui Yuan Zen & Tea Chamber, Beijing

He Wei는 오래된 공장을 리노베이션하여 선종과 다도 공간으로 바꾸는 프로젝트를 맡게 되었다. 건물은 70년대에 건설된 이후 여러번의 리노베이션을 이미 거친 곳이었다. 다른 공장과는 달리 이곳은 별다른 특색이 없이 평범해 보이는 높이에 넓은 공간도 없는 그런 곳이었다. 그렇지만 100 평방미터에 달하는 뒷마당은 인상적이지 않을 수 없었다. 이곳 디자인의 핵심은 공간의 통로를 재구조화하는 것이었다. 디자이너들은 현재 통로공간의 단조로운 레이아웃을 포기하고, 입구에서 바로 연결된 계단을 설치하기로 했다. 사람들이 선종 불교 철학이 존재하는 메인 공간에 들어왔을 때 심리적으로 안정을 느낄 수 있도록 더 긴 통로공간을 만드는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 그래서 건축가는 이 곳에 구부러진 게단을 추가하게 되었고, 이를 통해 사람들은 안쪽의 중정을 볼 수도 있고 거대한 다도 공간을 볼 수도 있게 되었다.

Designed by He Wei, Zen and Tea Chamber is a renovation project of an old factory. The building experienced several renovations after its construction in the 70s.
Unlike other factories with large space, it doesn’t have a big space span while the height is normal showing no special features. However, a 100 sqm backyard is quite impressive. Based on the owner’s requirement, designers need to reconstruct it into a Zen Chamber.

Ding Hui Yuan Zen & Tea Chamber, Beijing
Architect: He Wei
Client: Better Lift Art Club Co., Ltd
Design team: Chen Long, Wang Qi, Zhao Zhuo-Ran
Lighting: Zhang Xin, Han Xiao-Wei, Zhou Xuan-Yu
Contractor: Beijing GHLH Construction CO., LTD
Area: 450 sqm
Completion: 2016

The core of the design is restructuring the circulation of the space. Designers gave up the simple layout of the existing circulation space with hanging stairs directly attached to its entrance. The design creates a longer circulation for people to calm down when entering the main space in the philosophy of Zen Tea. An extra-long, zigzag path is made: people can enter the building from the west side after passing through a long and narrow semi-outdoor corridor. They will enter the backyard after turning to the north and walking through the entire Zen Chamber.

Architect added a folded stairs in this area, located between the long ramp and paralleled stairs. People will see the inner courtyard and a big tearoom through the grating racks while stepping up the stairs. Then they can reach the second floor through a long, narrow, and closed space. The second floor is served as the main public space of the building, including a guqin (a representative instrument of traditional Chinese musical culture) room, small tearooms, meditation room and a large tearoom.

The changing rhythm of the brightness is another key of renovation. Around the inner court, the newly created space changes its appearance between the natural light and the artificial light arranging the transparent, semi-transparent and close-up visual effects. After entering the building, people could enjoy the courtyard in different time and different perspectives, and vice versa, which is also a practice of sampling the Chinese garden.

from domusweb


Designed by JB FACTORY