*고베 목재 주택-[ Sohei Arao ] House in Mikage, Higashinada-ku, Kobe

좋은 재질로 만든 심플한 컨테이너는 사용하기 가장 쉬운 것이다. 물론 지겨워지지도 않을뿐만 아니라 내부에 무엇을 하던 최고라고 할 수 있다. 15년 전에 설계된 Sohei Arao 미용실을 운영하고 있는 부부의 요청에서부터 이번 프로젝트는 시작되었는데 이 살롱은 여전히 요즘에도 모던한 느낌이며 건축주가 어떻게 그 것을 잘 관리하느냐가 얼마나 중요한지 보여주고 있다.
이 곳은 다운타운에 있는 건축주의 미용실과는 아주 극명한 반대인 한적한 지역에 위치해 있는데 외부인들로부터 가족의 사생활을 보호하면서 길에서 2미터 정도 높이에 위치해 있다. 자연이 집 안에 그대로 놓여진 형태인데 노출된 구조 성분은 목재의 자연스러운 성향을 보여주면서도 내부와 외부를 연결시키는 역할을 하고 있다.

Simple containers made of quality materials are the easiest to use. You don’t grow tired of them, and they bring out the best in whatever is inside. The project began with a request from a couple that owns a beauty salon Sohei Arao designed 15 years ago. The salon still feels modern today, and shows how well the owners have taken care of it. 

House in Mikage, Higashinada-ku, Kobe
Program: single-family house
Architect: Sohei Arao (Sides Core)
Contractor: Nakanishi Kenchiku
Area: 101.2 mq
Completion: 2016

The property is located in a quiet residential area of Mikage, a nice contrast to their salon in downtown Rokko. It sits two meters above the street that forms its southern border, protecting the family’s privacy from the eyes of passersby below. A forested area on a cliff, spared from development, is visible to the south. The view from the house takes full advantage of the borrowed scenery.

Nature is present in the house. South-facing windows lead to outdoor spaces, like deep tunnels that create a serene space by obscuring neighboring houses while framing the borrowed scenery. Exposed structural elements in equal pitch showcase the wood’s natural character, while straddling and connecting inside and outside.

The custom-ordered trestle table on the first floor can be diassasembled and stored. The legs are interchangeable, so it can be a chabudai (Japanese-style low table), or taken up to the enclosed terrace and surrounded with furniture for lounging. The space is flexible. The owners will likely continue to change their DIY furniture as their life changes. This space will be a container that accomodates the family’s unfettered and free lifestyle for many years to come.

from domusweb


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