"Stocker Lee Architetti의 논현동 주택건물'-stocker lee architetti constructs angular mixed-use building in seoul

Stocker Lee Architetti 이소진 씨가 설계한 '논현 101-1' 주택은 콘크리트를 기반으로 버건디 색감의 벽돌을 이용하여 만들어졌다. 수많은 사무실과 아파트가 즐비한 서울의 강남 지역에 위치한 집은 이전의 건물을 완전히 허물고 새로운 건물로 만들었다.

스위스와 한국에 스튜디오를 운영하고 있는 Stocker Lee Architetti 는 한쪽 모퉁이를 주차를 위한 공간으로 남겨두었고 콘크리트 기반으로 구조적인 모양을 잡으면서 주 현관과 1층의 카페를 설계하게 되었다. 이러한 기반은 구조적으로도 붉은 빛깔의 상부 구조를 지지하고 있다. 그 위로 4개 층에는 사무실과 아파트를 구성하였다.

architecture firm stocker lee architetti has completed an angular mixed-use building in south korea using burgundy-colored bricks and a monolithic concrete base. ‘nonhyun 101-1′ contains a variety of offices and apartment units in seoul’s commercial gangnam neighborhood. the site was previously occupied by a existing construction, which was completely demolished to make way for the new build.

name: NONHYUN  101-1
program: offices and apartments

location: seoul, south korea

completed: 2016
surface area: 1,033 sqm
cost: 2,100,000,000 WON ($1,925,469 USD)
civil engineer: kyusang guak (harmony ing.)
construction company: jehyo, seoul
construction period: august 2015 – july 2016

architect: stocker lee architetti
team: dong joon lee, melanie stocker
photography: simone bossi

stocker lee architetti, a practice with studios in both switzerland and korea, positioned the building towards one edge of the plot, leaving space for parked cars. the concrete basement, shaped by the structure above, identifies both the main entrance and a cafè at ground level. this foundation is also able to structurally support a volume of reddish bricks above. here, four floors contain a range of offices and apartments.

the upper two levels feature external terraces that offer views across the neighborhood, while the use of concrete is also apparent internally, with timber floors used to bring a sense of warmth into the scheme’s living areas. throughout the project, select materials have been carefully chosen to ensure a strong contrast with the surrounding urban fabric.

from designboom


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