*터키 와인공장 및 호텔-[ CM Mimarlik ] Vinero Winery and Hotel

터키 북서부의 항만도시 겔리볼루에 Tekeli-Sisa Architectural Partnership에서 진행한 와이너리 및 호텔이 건설되었다.  여타의 다른 모든 공장과 마찬가지로 와인공장 또한 그 존재의 모든 필수조건에 부합하기 위한 설계가 필요한 과정이다. 그것도 최선의 방법으로 말이다. 프로젝트의 목적은 자연스럽게 유기적인 처리 과정을 방해하지 않는 그런 디자인은 제공하는 것이 되었다. 16천평방미터에 달하는 건물은 연구실과 사무공간과 같은 서비스 프로그램 뿐만 아니라 저장 공간과 생산시설 또한 포함하고 있다. 또한 25개의 룸에 달하는 게스트하우스도 있어 이를 위하여 특별한 스파 프로그램이나 식음료 서비스 제공 공간도 필요했다.

저장과 숙성공간을 포함하여 모든 재질과 와이너리 전체를 포함한 관계식설들을 고려했고, 게스트하우스의 경우 각기 다른 공간으로 구성하여 다양성을 제공하려고 했다. 

A winery that takes place in Çanakkale’s Eceabat district in Gelibolu... The architectural project belongs to Tekeli-Sisa Architectural Partnership, which is one of the well established architectural offices in Turkey.We commenced our interior architectural project following the start of the construction phase of the building. We had the advantage of working within a relatively good timing, in presence of  Dilgün Saklar and Mehmet Emin Çakırkaya from Tekeli-Sisa Office.

Architects: CM Mimarlik

Location: Çanakkale, Çanakkale Merkez/Çanakkale, Turkey

Area: 16000.0 sqm

Project Year: 2015

Photographs: Cemal Emden


A winery, like all other factories, has to be designed to meet all the necessities of it’s existence, in the best way possible. Our aim was to provide a design preventing any disruption of the organic process. The building which is approximately 16.000m2 includes production and storage sections as well as service programmes such as laboratories and offices. In addition to this there is a guesthouse with 25 rooms including service areas for food and beverage etc. and a specific spa program.

At the production section the structure (concrete) was left as plain as possible while using coating partially as needed  for water resistance and for any impacts that may come from the moving modules. Raw metal structures were incorporated with rough industrial attachment details while solid wood elements being delicately handled. These type of wineries are most likely to become active on particularly short periods of the year and inactive for the rest of it. Various visits, tasting events and the presence of the guesthouse becomes the extroverted face of the facility. We designed an amphi - presentation space as well as an in house lounge for these visits/ events. The common space facing the main entrance for the offices, guesthouse and winery were setup to be figuratively three dimensional.

Including the storage and ageing sections, we considered the reproduction of all materials and relations within the inclusion of the whole winery space.

The guesthouse consists of rooms differing form one another. As in each room the sleeping space, the setup, the material use and wet spaces differ while all were designed/ programmed in relation with their attachments, services and materials.


Designed by JB FACTORY