*남성적 매력이 느껴지는 방콕 양복점-[ PHTAA Living Design ] Keaton Tailor

방콕 다운타운에 PHTAA Living design은 모던한 빈티지  Keaton 양복점을 진행했다. 상업적이면서도 독립 소매점과 바, 카페도 함께 위치한 Keaton은 보기에도 패셔너블한 남성의 영향력이 느껴지는 외향을 지닌 곳이다.

 ‘A Handbook of Weaves by G.H. Oelsner.’라는 책을 통해 패브릭 위빙에 대해 공부한 후 패브릭의 앞 뒷면에 그 자체의 패턴을 갖게 했다. 두 면의 연결 사이엔 패턴 내 은밀한 공간이 생겼다. 

건축가는 순수한 콘크리트를 네이비블루 페인트칠한 메탈과 섞어 주로 사용했고 이를 통해 양복점의 자체 브랜드가 지닌 정체성을 보여주는 특성을 만들어 낼 수 있었다. 비교적 내부 공간은 단순하면서도 온화한 분위기를 자아내는데, 벽돌로 이뤄진 벽이 공공장소와 사적인 장소를 구분하는 역할을 하고 있다.


Keaton by PHTAA Living design is the modern vintage tailor shop which located in downtown of Bangkok. With the commercial context, independent retail, bar and cafe. Keaton well-blends with surrounding. The look of vintage fashionable guy reflect on the shop’s atmosphere. 

Architects: PHTAA Living Design

Location: Bangkok, Thailand

Architect in Charge: Ponwit Rattanatanatevilai

Area: 10.0 sqm

Project Year: 2016

Photographs: Flashdiamond 

Manufacturers: QCon, SCG

From the study of fabric weaving, ‘A Handbook of Weaves by G.H. Oelsner.’ As we can see, Front and back side of the fabric has it own pattern. The linkage between two side is the covert space in pattern. This interesting issue is the starting point of architecture design. We create huge pattern in architectural scale with gentle mood.

Strongly concept of fabric weaving show at the facade. The pattern has defined by two parts which  are lines and square holes. Lines create general pattern for the simple and gentle look. Square holes play a role as the connection between exterior and interior space. At the same time, they reflect the basic theory of fabric weave. Micro square holes connect outdoor and indoor atmosphere by allow beams of sunlight get into the shop. 

Architect mainly select pure concrete mixed with navy blue painted metal to create Keaton characteristic in the same way as its brand identity. Below the feature wall, clear glass has used to show ambiguous feeling of interior space. People from the outside will see only below of the knee. This situation make the sense of cuiousity to create new welcoming sense to the clients. 

Interior space designed with simple and gentle atmosphere. In this micro architecture, approximately 25 square metres, natural light create charming atmosphere. The feature wall creates lighting effect, by reflection pattern from the outside. Simple local has used as main interior materials. Plywood counter with the same pattern as feature wall create strong identity of retail design. Brick wall divides public and private space of the tailor shop. Back of the wall is the space for tailor discussion and fitting room.

from archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY