*협소주택 작은공간에 집중하다 스톤하우스 [ dekleva gregorič arhitekti ] Compact Karst House

카르스트 지역은 한때 베네치아가 광범위하게 물의 도시를 건설하기 위해 사용했던 오크 나무로 뒤덮혔던 곳이었다. 이러한 전통을 이으면서도 젊은 가족의 요청과 현대적인 기술의 원칙에 부응하는 방향으로 이 작고 컴팩트한 돌 집의 디자인을 정했다.

1층은 다양하고 웅장한 풍경의 공공 또는 세미 공용 공간으로써 대부분 운영하고 있는 반면 위층은 하늘의 전경만 보이는 매우 사적인 공간으로 유지된다. 집 속의 집이라는 컨셉은 침실 각각이 목재로 마감된 집과 같은 역할을 하고 있고, 그 안에서는 방이 아니라 하나의 개별 집 안에서 수면을 취하는 느낌을 얻을 수 있다.

The region of Karst was once covered with Oak trees that Venetians have extensively used for building up the City on water. They have left the wind to peel off earth revealing limestone grounds. In this landscape the tradition of small, compact, stony and almost windowless houses developed and remained until today.

Architects: dekleva gregorič arhitekti
Location: 6221 Vrhovlje, Slovenia
Project Team: Aljoša Dekleva u.d.i.a., M.Arch. (AA Dist),Tina Gregorič u.d.i.a., M.Arch. (AA Dist), Lea Kovič, u.d.i.a., Vid Zabel štud. arh.
Area: 83.0 sqm
Project Year: 2014
Photographs: Janez Marolt

Following this tradition determined the design of small compact stony house corresponding to the needs of the young family and current technological principles. Redefinition of traditional stony Karst house led to the concept of proto-house as compact, stony, pitched roof volume for contemporary countryside living in this region. The house is conceived as monolithic volume with two inserted wooden volumes connected with interim landing.

Ground floor operates mostly as public or semi-public space with multiple grand landscape views as on the other hand the upper floor stands very private with sky views only. The space is divided with two inserted wooden volumes which in ground floor contain kitchen with dining or bathroom and in the upper floor master bedroom and children’s room. House in a house concept allow each bedroom to perform as primarily wooden pitched house, where one literally feels like sleeping in his own (symbolic) house and not a room. The bridge connecting both houses acts as playroom.

The house has three large square windows which open views towards hilltop church in Italy to the west, forest to the south and entrance platform to the east. The redefinition of traditional stony Karst roof, with its texture, colour, material and its steep inclination is executed as contemporary concrete interpretation with intense technological ingenuity. Materially inseparable connection between the facade and the roof is key allusion to the image of traditional Karst village.

The design of the house addresses the relationship between contemporary and tradition, it opens up the question about the characteristics of anonymous traditional built architecture from which it originates and simultaneously establishes the relationship between contemporary interpretation and traditionally conditional domain of synthesis.

from archdaily


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