*벽돌로 마감한 스페인주택-[ H Arquitectes ] Spanish houses

카탈로니아 어느 거리에는 두 개의 무너진 외관 사이 간극을 붉은 벽돌로 채워 그 안에 두 개의 정원과 중정을 갖춘 집이 감춰져 있다. H Arquitectes가 작업한 이 곳은 두 벽돌 파티오가 길가로부터의 접근으로부터 숨은 변화의 공간을 제공하고 있고 좀 더 안쪽의 정원은 두 개의 개별 공간으로 반씩 나눠져 있어 하나는 좀 더 사적인 활동을 할 수 있는 공간과 하나는 여가활동을 위한 공간으로 구분된다.

A red brick wall spans the gap between two crumbling facades on a street in Catalonia, hiding a home by H Arquitectes with two courtyards and a central garden.

Wooden gates slide back from the lower storey of the brick facade, situated just outside Barcelona in the centre of the old city of Granollers, into an enclosed patio and parking area to the rear of House 1014 by H Arquitectes.

The property is set in the centre of a gully just 6.5 metres wide running the width of a block between existing properties.

Two brick patios bracket the family home, offering a sheltered transition area from street accesses on either side of the block, while a further garden splits the space into two distinct halves – one for more private domestic activities, and another for entertainment.

Architectural team: H Arquitectes (David Lorente, Josep Ricart, Xavier Ros, Roger Tudó)

Collaborators: Blai Cabrero Bosch, Montse Fornés Guàrdia, Carla Piñol Moreno, Ramon Anton,

Interior design: Fátima Vilaseca

Installations: Igetech / Àbac enginyers

Landscape: Anna Esteve

An original stone facade with ornamental window frames and an arched doorway was preserved by the architects to create a pedestrian entrance from a street on the other side of the block.

The uneven blockwork of the new facade, with veins of narrow brick running through its regularly arranged rows, references the original irregular stone masonry. A sliding timber door provides vehicle access.

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