*바르셀로나 주민복지시설-[ Oliveras Boix Arquitectes ] Alchemika Facilities Complex

2006년 바르셀로나 시의회는 예전 플라스틱 공장이었던 Alchemika Factory를 주민복지시설을 갖춘 복합 기능 건물로 리노베이션하기로 정했다.

그 결과, 도서관, 보육시설, 주민센터, 노인복지관련 시설에서 다양한 프로그램이 하루종일 운영되고 있다. 경사면에 위치한 건물의 상하 높이 차이를 최적화 하기 위해 각기 다른 시설의 입구를 만들었다. 그렇게 해서 보육원은 위에서 도서관은 반대편에서 접근 가능하다.

When in 2006 the Barcelona City Council acquired the Alchemika Factory, a former plastic factory located in the industrial district of Camp de l’Arpa, it commissioned Oliveras Boix Arquitectes to renovate and transformed it into a multi functional building, with community facilities agreed by the neighbourhood associations.

Program: renovation and expansion of a multifunctional complex
Architects: Oliveras Boix Arquitectes
Structural engineering: BOMA, Anabel Lázaro
Services engineering: JG Ingenieros
Lighting: Artec 3
Facade: Ferrés Arquitectes
Landscape: Elena Mostazo
Signage design: Cómo Design
Completion: 2016

The result is a program of social and diverse character with a library, nursery school, community center and a residence for the elderly with a day center. The height difference between the two street corners, together with the slope of Guinardó Street meant that much of the program had be developed underground. The project optimizes this gap creating separate entrance points to the different facilities. The nursery school is accessible through the upper ramp, while the library’s access is located below, on the opposite corner. The green roof of the school is shared for use as a playground for kids and as a sun terrace for the residence.

Faced with the need to find expansion solutions, the project is articulated through a scheme of solid-void volumes that run parallel to the facade, generating a system of inner patios and double-height interior spaces that allow the natural lighting and natural ventilation. The robust stone plinth grants permeability, while in the upper corner there is a small plaza and a ramped passage that leads the access flows to the nursery school, the community center and the residence. In the lower the existing facade was perforated to host a large door with an interstitial patio, resolving both visibility and access issues to the library.

The architects explain that there has been an attempt to transcend the boundaries of the site and the program, paying particular attention on the creation of a system of outdoor transitional spaces that seek permeability and continuity with the public space while fostering the emergence of new spaces for interaction and encounter.

from domusweb


Designed by JB FACTORY