*일본 수제 칼 전문회사 쇼룸 리노베이션-yusuke seki showcases tadafusa knife collection within glass cabinet in japan

t300년 이상의 전통을 지닌 일본의 유명 핸드메이드 칼 제조사- 타다푸사의 쇼룸과 판매매장이 최근 리노베이션 되었다. 주요 테마는 커팅 보드라고 꼽을 수 있는데 전체적으로 목재를 사용하여 표현하였다.

일반적인 디스플레이 공간과는 다르게 이곳은 칼을 구입하는 과정을 숨겨져 있어 열어야 보이는 서랍과 캐비넷 대신 가시적으로 보일 수 있게 하였다.

okyo-based designer yusuke seki has recently completed the showroom and retail space for tadafusa, an acclaimed manufacturer of hand-made knives in japan. located in tsubame-sanjo – a town known for over 300 years of blacksmithing history – the specialist store explores the very detail of blacksmithing, knives and has been translated into an elegant interior space.

a prominent theme is the cutting board which has influenced the use of timber throughout. ‘the specialized antibacterial carbonization method tadafusa is represented in the design’s focus on the use of spruce: carbonized spruce lends exceptional antibacterial qualities to knife handles and cutting boards. with this, this material can be seen in the presentation tables in which the knives can be tested.  

different to regular display cases, yusuke seki has re-envisioned the process of purchasing knives. instead of a pull-out drawers or cabinets, a glass case at human scale is the focus. sliding doors open to reveal the diverse range of implements displayed vertically within. additionally, the intricately crafted shelving system is composed of interlocking timber slats that enable the cutting boards – with the product on top – be slotted into the wall at any height and with ease. the raised threshold encourages a state of awareness, mimicking those found in shrines and temples.
overall tadafusa seamlessly blends man-made and natural materials, elevating the use of knives into an distinctive showcase and celebrates the craft of blacksmithing.

from designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY