*쑤저우 무형유산 박물관-[ Vector Architects ] Suzhou Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum

쑤저우(Suzhou) 무형유산 박물관 은 쑤저우 원예 전시공원 내에 위치해 있는데, 이 지역은 삼면이 강으로 둘러싸여져 있고 이를 기반으로 자연적 환경과 쑤저우가 지닌 전통적 도시 문화에서 그 디자인의 영감을 얻어 건설되었다. 전통적인 건물의 공간적 경험을 자아내기 위해 외부 정원과 회랑으로 흩어진 각기 다른 기능들을 서로 연계시켜야 했다. 그렇게 하여 정원에 있는 주요 공간들이 이곳만의 아이덴티티로 설계되었다.

Suzhou Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum is located at east part of the Suzhou Horticultural Exposition Park, in a reserved village near Taihu Lake of Wuzhong District, Suzhou. The site is surrounded by river on its three sides, and the design is inspired by its natural environment and the traditional culture of the city- Suzhou. Our strategy is connecting different scatterd functions by courtyards and outdoor corridors in order to generate the spatial experinece of traditional building types. In consideration of local climates, it allows visitors to walk through those outdoor corridors between different courtyards when raining. The main spaces located in the courtyards are designed with identities, such as the dome theater covered by laminated bamboo louvers with green vegetation, the iconic cloud installation on the roof-top platform of the museum lobby, the observation tower that overlooks the surrounding view in distance and the restaurant at the water-front.

Location: China - Suzhou
Designer: Vector Architects
Project Year: 2016
Photos byChen Hao, Eiichi Kano

Principal Architect: Gong Dong
Project Architect: Chen Liu
Site Architect: Yang Zhou
Design Team: Yi-Chi Wang, Dongping Sun, Dan Zhao, Bai Li, Rae-Hsuan Hou, Pin-Chen Yeh, Yilun Wang, Kai Zhang
LDI: Suzhou Institute of Architectural Design Co.,Ltd.
LDI Project Architects: Cai Shuang
LDI Architects: Wang Yin, Zhang Xiaofeng, Wang Wei
Structural Engineering: Ye Yongyi, Bian Kejian, Tan Qian
MEP Engineering: Zhang Guangren, Chen Kaixuan, Wang Haigang, Ji Jian, Zhu Hehu, Li Yang
Suzhou Taihu Horticultural Expo Industrial Development Co.

To meet the program requirements and reduce the negative impact on natural environment, the majority of the volume is covered by green roof. It amplifies the theme of blending the boundary between architecture and nature. The Suzhou Intangible cultural heritage museum offers people large amount of information and interactive experiences during their visit. Three atriums create natural ventilation and lighting, and direct visitors to the roof exhibition platform. It forms a public park with various types of vegetation where outdoor performances, dining events as well as educational and interactive experience can take place.

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Designed by JB FACTORY