*프랑스 벨포트 문화종합시설-[ Dominique Coulon & Associés ] Henri Dutilleux' Music, Theater and Dance Conservatory

도시에서도 약간은 위로 밀려있는 위치에 놓인 음악/영화관/도서관 등을 갖춘 종합시설은 뒤로는 숲을 면하고 있어 건설 지역의 제안 조건이 있었다. 건물이 주는 강력한 컨텍스트는 회색의 콘크리트라는 불투명한 부피감이라는 그 건물 자체의 탄탄함을 의미한다. 건물 외벽은 독창적인 텍스쳐를 지니고 있어 마치 대리 석 안의 무니결 같은 느낌이다.



The building is located in the upper part of the town. It backs onto the woods, forming the final outlying limit of the built-up area. Echoing the open landscape, it faces to Belfort Lion on the hilltop opposite. In this strong context, the building offers its solidity, an almost opaque mass of grey concrete. The surface of the mass has an unusual texture, hinting at plants or the veins in marble. It has been achieved by drip painting in two shades of blue. The drips of paint lend depth and thickness to the skin of the building. The surfaces vibrate in the light, apparently in motion – matter ceases to be static.

The concrete monolith exudes an enigmatic presence. Only the volume of the dance room seems to be looking at the Lion, constructed in 1879 as a symbol of resistance to the enemy. The building condenses a programme with very varied volumes. The building contains two auditoriums, a theatre, a large dance room, a library, classrooms, administrative offices, and a host of studios with very varied volumes and areas. The acoustic of each studio is designed to suit one specific instrument. The areas appear to fit into each other. Empty areas are hollowed out of this compact mass, creating relationships between the different levels. The entrance hall is on an unexpected scale. The library seems to be suspended, marking out the cross-section and serving as a giant deflector. The central patio is the darkest area. Its colour and its negative drip design reverse the codes of the outer envelope. It is the ultimate expression of density.

Architect : Dominique Coulon & associés
Dominique Coulon, Steve Letho Duclos
Architects assistants : Guillaume Wittmann, Lukas Unbekandt
Construction site supervision : Steve Letho Duclos, Lukas Unbekandt
Facade drip painting : Artists Max Coulon and Gabriel Khokha

Engineers and consultants :
Structural Engineer : Batiserf Ingénierie
Electrical Engineer : BEE.FL
Mechanical Plumbing Engineer : Solares Bauen
Cost Estimator : E3 économie
Acoustics : Euro Sound Project

from architizer


Designed by JB FACTORY