*이탈리아 모놀리틱 노출 콘크리트 주택-[ Wespi de Meuron Romeo architects ] House in Brissago

모놀리틱한 노출 콘크리트가 주는 단순함이 매력으로 느껴지는 이탈리아 브리사고의 주택은 도로와 직접적으로 면해 있고 경사지역으로 인해 자연스럽게 각이 지어져 있다. 지붕에는 두 대의 차를 주차시킬 수 있는 구조로 이 곳을 방문하는 손님들은 입구에서 좁다란 복도를 따라 안쪽으로 안내 된다. 이렇게 마주 한 입구의 중정은 나무로 되어 있는 현관입구 바로 뒤편에 위치해 있다. 그렇게 중정을 가로질러 가면 탑층에 위치한 집이 나타나는 데 방은 전경을 직접 마주하고 있어 또한 장관이다. 

A simply cut monolith in washed concrete, which is docked directly to the road, rises from the natural topography of the slope. 

Two cars are parked almost directly on the roof. 

The visitor is guided down along a linear alleyway to the entrance door. 

An entrance courtyard is located directly behind the wooden entrance gate. 

Across this courtyard one enters the house on the top floor and will be received by the kitchen with a long dining table and an open fireplace. 

Already when entering, the room open itself to the landscape, the “Lago Maggiore” and the mountains.

The entrance door and the glass front to the court can completely be shift into the wall, so that the outside and the interior space flows together in the summertime. 

Lift and staircase lead to the lower floors.

At the floor beneath is located the additional living area, with living room, fireplace, library and TV, as well as a covered outdoor terrace and a generous courtyard with natural stone pavement, two olive trees and a fountain. 

Means wide openings to the court and to the outside, exterior and Interior, landscape and architecture forms a unity. 

The inside participates to the court, like the court participates to the landscape, offering spectacular views. The court can be closed by two wooden gates, which generate a secure feeling.

This court becomes the heart of the house; different paths join together here, like in a historic village. On both sides of the court walkways and stairs lead down to the large garden terrace with swimming pool and outdoor kitchen.

On the two lower floors of the house are placed three bedrooms and the baths, as well as fitness room and a sauna; they are also connected to the garden and swimming pool by appropriate exits.

Due to its spatial diversity, complex relationships between interior and exterior spaces, diverse path choice, this house can be experienced like a historic village.

from divisare


Designed by JB FACTORY