The design of Can Feliç offers us the opportunity to investigate the concepts of the one and the multiple, the same and the different, as a way to deepen the understanding of the human relationships that are established between the individual and society.

As a method of working, it is based on the principle of Additive Architecture enunciated in 1970 by Jørn Utzon, "a new architectural expression with the same attributes and effects as are obtained, for example, by adding more trees to the forest, more deer to a herd, more rocks to a beach...".

Given that a nursery education program is being developed for children aged 0 – 3, the objective of this project is not only to fit out and equip the necessary space for learning, but also to ensure that a tranquil and protected atmosphere is created, suitable for both recreation and teaching.

The composition cell is defined as the unit made up of two rooms grouped around an area made up of service and communal installations, optimizing the running of the nursery. These cells are located around a central space, a covered plaza, surrounded by separate small pavilions that open onto an exterior patio, that combine to form a play area that complements the patio.

The fan-like orientation of the pavilions around the covered plaza is a liberation from the strict logic of parcelling out, and seeks a link with the passing of the sun from east to west, the presence of trees and the oblique view to the patios to achieve the largest possible focal depth in the available space.

Each group of eight children form a small family and to each one is assigned an independent place, a home. All are equal and at the same time are different according to their position relative to the sun, the view and the relationship with their neighbors. Together they form a community that gathers around the central space has continuity in a grove of trees where the units are sheltered, a courtyards house in the woods. The grove grows and merges with the urban space forming a publicly accessible garden overlooking the Desierto de las Palmas, the fundamental landscape of the common identity of Benicàssim. Can Feliç - a courtyard house in the forest in the countryside of Benicàssim.

from divisare


Designed by JB FACTORY