*초가 지붕과 나무로 표현한 유네스코 지역 내 건물-[ Dorte Mandrup A/S ] Wade Sea Centre

Dorte Mandrup는 UNESCO 세계 문화유산으로 지정된 Wadden Sea 지역의 관문에 지난 2월 2일 Wadden Sea Center를 설계하였다. 자연과 역사가 완벽한 조화를 이루고 있는 이 현대적 건물은 세계적으로 가장 독특하면서도 중요한 자연 휴양지의 이야기를 담고 있다. 초가로 된 지붕과 나무 외벽을 갖춘 Wadden Sea Center는 이 지역을 방문하는 모둔 관관객들에게 겸손하면서도 중요한 출발점을 제공한다. 특히나 대형 유리패널을 통해 많은 룸들이 옥외 전시장과 주변 풍경과의 통합을 완벽하게 이룬다.

Even at first glance the Wadden Sea Centre gives the impression of a building that has emerged from the ground, drawing a soft, long and clear profile against the Wad- den Sea’s infinite horizon. 

With a thatched roof and facades, the Wadden Sea Centre provides the area’s many visitors with a humble yet significant starting point for their visit. Dorte Mandrup has created a modern building in perfect harmony with the Wadden Sea’s nature and his- tory. 

The Wadden Sea Centre - the gateway to the UNESCO World Heritage Site – has recently been inaugurated on February 2. The Wadden Sea Centre conveys the story of one of the world’s most unique and significant natural resorts that, among other things, ensures that 15 million migratory birds are able to forage on their flight be- tween North and South. 

After eighteen months of intense work to convert and expand the original building, the new exhibition centre has now been finished and comprises of 2,800 square meters for exhibition and communication activities. Through large glass panels a number of the rooms are fully integrated with the outdoor exhibition area as well as with the sur- rounding landscape. 

Architects: Dorte Mandrup A/S

Location: Okholmvej 5, 6760 Ribe, Denmark

Project Year: 2017

Photographs: Adam Mørk

from archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY