*프랑스 파리, 화가의 작업공간-[ WY-TO Architects ] Light Folds

프랑스 파리, 어느 화가의 스튜디오에는 웅장한 1900 유리 캐노피로 가득하다. 겨울철에는 공간의 세분화를 통해 최적의 난방시스템을 갖춰야 하는데, 이번 프로젝트에서 적용한 '작업 공간 안에 작업공간'이라는 원칙을 통해 이러한 기대를 충족시키고 있다.

아티스트에게는 자연조광의 퀄리티가 매우 중요하다. 이곳에서는 자연채광이 통과할 수 있는 부채꼴의 새로운 구조 형태 덕분이 이러한 퀄리티가 유지될 수 있다.  

In the heart of a paved courtyard, the studio of a painter occupies a magnificent 1900 glass canopy. The volume being very generous, in winter season it becomes necessary to optimize the heating system by subdividing space. The principle of "workshop in the workshop" meets this expectation. 

Architects: WY-TO Architects

Location: Paris, France

Architect in Charge: Pauline Gaudry

Area: 70.0 m2

Project Year: 2016

Photographs: Svend Andersen

The quality of natural lighting, precious to the artist, is preserved thanks to the fan-shaped geometry of the new structure, which allows the natural light to penetrate. 

When the facades of the volume open, space becomes one: it becomes vast and generous again. While welcoming an exhibition space, the mezzanine offers a new relationship to the canopy and provides a general view of the place. 

The expression of the workshop echoes the lines of the canopy which he declines according to multiple processes: rhythms of the glass roof and the facades with polycarbonate’ elements, fine lines of the railings and luminaries. Thus, the new workshop naturally fits into its setting of light.

Like a fan, the 3 volumes of the workshop unfold and echo the lines of the canopy.

from archdaliy


Designed by JB FACTORY