*노출콘크리트 건물-[ f m b architekten ] Greiner Headquarter

의자, 뷰티, 헬스케어 및 자동차 분야의 제품을 판매하는 Pleidelsheim는 1922년 독일의 작은 마을에 설립되었다. 그동안 지속된 성장을 보인 회사는 기존 건물을 허물고 새로운 본사를 재건축하기로 하였다. 고전적 모더니즘에서 영감을 받아 설계된 건물의 외양은 노출 콘크리트로 작업되었고, 옥상테라스의 규모를 줄여 주변 건물과의 높이를 조화롭게 하였다. 1층엔 전시장을 열어 고객에게 쇼케이스 장소로 제공된다. 단순히 새로운 고객의 유치가 아니라 공공 공간을 자극하므로써 대중과 소통한다.

The Greiner Company, a family based business founded 1922 in the small town Pleidelsheim nearby Ludwigsburg, Germany, is known for its high quality chairs and seats and is selling products all over the world in the fields of beauty, healthcare and automotive – at its own brand or as supplier.

With its well manufactured products and sustainable services the company is growing for years. The old headquarter with its small client-center and showroom couldn’t hold up with that progress any more.

Architects: f m b architekten

Location: Wettestraße 1, 74385 Pleidelsheim, Germany

Architects in Charge: Norman Binder, Andreas-Thomas Mayer 

Area1890.0 m2

Project Year: 2016

Photographs: Brigida González , Andreas-Thomas Mayer

A new headquarter had to be build!

Originally located at the edge of the town, the company area with its production- and storage-halls was overgrown by the development of the town and is now part of the near city-centre. The site of the old, inconspicuous headquarter did not represent the company’s address very well.

The new office- and exhibition-building, by contrast, is located near the city-centre at the north-south cross-town link. Being on the chosen construction site, the old House of the company founder, later used as a tannery, had to be torn down. Therefore the location of the new headquarter also refers to the company’s history and benefits both, the identity of the company as well as the public space. 

The surrounding of the site is characterized by several building-types, mixed with industry-, residential- and old agricultural-buildings. So how should a new building respond to that context and simultaneously transport some kind of corporate identity?

We decided jointly with the client to create a pure, reduced Shape that is inspired by the timeless qualities of classical modernism. The façade of building is worked in exposed concrete, giving the structure a modest but individual impact to that heterogenic place.

he cut out roof-terrace reduces the shape at the main-roads intersection so that the volume of the structure reacts sensible to the height of the surrounding buildings. At the intersection the building opens its exhibition-floor over the corner through big showcase-windows to the public - not primarily to catch new clients, but stimulating the public space.

from archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY