*백년된 벽돌과 낙엽송을 이용한 접이식 문이 특징인 주택 리모델링-SAM Architects uses recycled brick and charred wood for London mews house

영국 남동부에 우치한 뮤즈하우스 외벽을 재정비하는 과정에 SAM Architects가 택한 것은 100년이 넘는 벽돌과 낙엽송이었는데, 이는 밝은 색의 부엌과 접이식 벽을 특성으로 하는 곳이었다. SAM Architects 소속의 Paolo Vimercati와 Melanie Schubert는 1년만에 보존 지역에 위치한 이 주택에 마당 공사에 대한 허가를 얻어냈고, 새로 태어날 아이를 위해 디자인 일부를 변경하였다.

SAM Architects chose century-old brickwork and charred larch for the exterior of this mews house in southeast London, which features a brightly coloured kitchen and a folding facade.

Paolo Vimercati and Melanie Schubert of SAM Architects bought a double garage hidden away behind a row of heritage-listed houses in Camberwell in late 2011 with the intention of building their own home.

The small seven-metre-by-seven-metre site is situated in a conservation area. But despite this, the pair was able to win planning permission for the compact three-storey brick mews known as MAP House in just one year.

They were even able to baby-proof some elements of the design in preparation for a new family member.

"We could see the opportunity to design a beautiful house in this unique central London location very near to Denmark Hill Station, yet hidden away behind the listed buildings lining the main road," said Vimercati and Schubert.

from dezeen


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