*공간의 깊이를 다각적으로 표현한 공공시설-[ Dominique Coulon & Associés ] Regional Court and Industrial Tribunal in Montmorency

이번 프로젝트의 주제는 '접근 가능한 정의'다. 도시 직물 내에 눈에 띄지 않는 공공 건물을 작업하면서 겸손하고 우아한 외관을 선택하고 벽은 시대에 뒤지지 않는 재질이자 시대에 따라 매력적인 벽돌로 구성하였다. 이를 통해 주변 환경과 조화를 이룰 수 있게 되었다. 겉에서 보기에 입구는 단층일 것 같지만 안으로 들어서면 공공 로비가 3층 높이로 솟아 있어 남향에서 빛을 받아들이기 적합하며 엄숙한 분위기를 주기도 한다.


The theme of the project is accessible justice. This is an unostentatious public building within the urban fabric. We opted for modest, elegant exterior architecture, preferring a facing in brick, a timeless material which becomes more attractive with age. This choice also enables the building to blend in with its immediate surroundings. The treatment of the entrance, worked as a lateral hollow on the main façade, constitutes a break with the traditional symmetrical composition of court buildings. From the outside, this entrance – on a single level – is on a modest scale. 

Once inside the building, however, the public lobby is three storeys high, with a high-placed opening capturing light from the south. There is a feeling of solemnity. A second monumental empty space contains a magnificent garden – an internal lung for the building. Given its scale, this space has the great advantage of providing a view and natural light to the two courtrooms and to the public lobby. A beautiful oak tree (Quercus robur) symbolising justice is planted in the soil. The ground and vertical walls are covered with ivy, adding the finishing touch to the soothing atmosphere of the place. Our intention is to provide a calm, soothing atmosphere to counteract the tension that so often exists in such places.

The project offers surprising spatial sequences, a progressive architectural promenade from the sober but bright forecourt to the public lobby, where emotions run strong. The diversity of the materials used personalises and reflects the different aspects of the judiciary’s work. The richness of the volumes, both sober and sculptural, shapes this interior space with an idealised, private urbanity, lending the whole the character of a small-scale yet very real judicial centre.

from architizer


Designed by JB FACTORY