*따로 혹은 같이, 몬트리올 공공시설-[ Linebox Studio Inc. ] Shopify Montreal

Shopify Montreal은 하나의 공간에서 다른 하나로 이동하는 움직임을 통해 이 곳의 사용자는 자신의 공간이 사적인 의미에서 공적인 의미로, 또한 지면 전체에 원활히 전환을 이룬 지형의 특성을 경험하게 된다. 공동 공간은 독창적으로 자신만의 적응이 가능하도록 설계되어 있어 이 공간을 이용해 회릐를 주최하거나 강의를 듣거나 또는 같은 공간이지만 독립적인 작업을 할 수도 있다.

The topography of Shopify Montreal is be a microcosm of the terrain that surrounds it. The space roots itself in a series of spatial rhythms, offset by unexpected apexes that emphasize relationships between the ground and sky. Climbing is a frequent theme, inviting users to discover spaces to tuck away or be on display. It is through the movement from one to the other that users will experience the true topography of their spaces seamlessly transitioning from private to public, ground to apex. Views of the surrounding Montreal landscape will be optimized to reconnect users to the outside environment. These views will be framed by casual and open spaces where individuals can reflect introspectively or discuss ideas in a group setting; taking advantage of naturals light and the active environment beyond the glass.

Common spaces are designed to invite creative adaptation, allowing users to host meetings, hear lectures or work independently all in the same space. As designers, we design for the the scenarios we anticipate, but provide the opportunity for those which have yet to be fathomed. Through the exploration of these, in addition to a plethora of other layers, the topography of Shopify Montreal is the result of many moments that work together to form a landscape for interaction.

from architizer


Designed by JB FACTORY