*인도네시아 건축/인테리어회사 사무실-[ Studio Air Putih ] @BATUBATA

@Batubata는 인도네시아에 본사를 둔 건축/인테리어회사이다. 오늘 소개하는 스튜디오는 회사의 2번째 건물로 일상적인 작업장으로서의 새 스튜디오 설계를 위해 벽돌을 주재료로 사용하였다. 벽돌은 주변 환경과 잘 어울리기 때문에 일반적으로 유지보수가 용이하고 환경 친화적인 소재가 된다. 또한 강조와 더불어 블렌딩에도 좋은 재료이다. 무엇보다 건물이 지닌 가장 흥미로운 부분은 건물을 통해 그림자를 만드는 빛의 반사라고 꼽을 수 있다. 매 시간 새로운 그림자는 매일 색다른 경험을 선사한다.

@Batubata is an office for architecture and interior firm based in Indonesia. This studio is our second building, which the first one was previously tend to be smaller and located among residential area. This current main office is located in a scattered and uniquely disorganized surroundings.

In designing a new studio for our daily workplace, the location and surrounding situation become our main concept. The typology of our neighborhood buildings are spread out and moderate in size. Along with the order of our surrounding buildings, this office also explains aspread in moderate-scale building. Compared to making all rooms into one building, the functions are divided into several building mass. Building masses are spread out on the sole of the land and sparing an empty space in the middle. This spare space in the middle function as in inner court that reminds us the green and amusing ambiance of our previous office.

Architects:Studio Air Putih

Location:Serpong, South Tangerang City, Banten, Indonesia

Architect in Charge:Denny Gondo

Area:1022.0 m2

Project Year:2017

Photographs:Mario Wibowo

The use of bricks as the main important materials of the building gives a various good characters. Bricks is a local material which typically low maintenance and environmentally friendly since it blends well with the surroundings. It gives a good impression towards its emphasis and blending in at the same time. According to our principal experiences, working without view is much more effective, therefore minimal openings are intentionally formed in the façade of this building. If the employees feel a little too unexcited or boring inside the rooms, they are free to work outside of the rooms to freshen up their mood.

From all of the parts of the building, the most interesting part is the reflection of the light that creates shadows through the building. The light and shadow reflection are different every hour everyday, thus it gives different experience and mood everyday.

from archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY