*르 코르뷔지에가 제안했던, 'dom-ino 하우스'의 재탄생-[dom-ino pavilion in China]

a pavilion ‘dom-ino’ designed by benyuan design and research center is presented at the 2017 bi-city shenzhen biennale of urbanism\architecture (UABB) — an international exhibition in shangwei village, china. different from conventional buildings, this pavilion has no walls, but 24 huge iron doors. doors can be either opened or closed at any angle by rotating, which allows the space to ‘breathe’.

‘dom-ino house’ proposed by le corbusier in 1915, brings infinite possibilities of free plan and elevation to architectural design. 100 years later, an old building left with unfinished concrete structure frame, found abandoned in an ordinary village of southern china, is strikingly similar to the ‘dom-ino house’ prototype, and is demonstrating its application of the ‘domino system’ in the shangwei village, like a specimen. 

1915년 르 코르뷔지에가 제안했던, 'dom-ino 하우스' 약 100년 후 중국 남부 미완성 콘크리트 구조물의 프레임이 있는 오래된 건물로 재탄생하였는데 이 건물은 건축설계에 자유로운 계획과 고도의 무한한 가능성을 제시하는 예이다.
콘크리트 프레임의 원래 구조를 유지하고, 24개의 거대한 철문을 이용해 서로 다른 공간적 조합을 위한 공간을 창출한 dom-ino 파빌리온은 서로 다른 그룹의 사람들이 각기 다른 문화 간 커뮤니케이션을 유연하게 공유할 수 있는 플랫폼으로 탄생하였다.


benyuan design and research center has carried out a series of renovation strategies to this old building: retain the original structure of the concrete frame; use 24 giant iron doors to create a space with different spatial combinations for the multi-functional use for art and education.

the dom-ino pavilion becomes a flexible platform for communications between different groups of people and different cultures. the ground floor has a studio, which can be used as the client’s office or public educational space. the newly added 16 rotatable doors on the second floor can enclose and split space for various activities, like art exhibitions, community meeting and small performances, etc. the roof terrace serves as a community social area.

from designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY