이번 프로젝트는 Queens Drive를 마주보고 있는 코너 건물 끝에 있으며, 29 King's Crescent의 마지막 박공 벽과 접해 있다. 건축부지는 1960년대에 지어졌던 두 개의 차고였던 곳을 주택으로 변경한 것인데, 벽돌로 된 처마 장식은 곡선형과 정사각형으로 구성되어 있다. 정면은 모든 다른 출입 창과 정렬되며 시각적인 링크와 공식적인 보조 "북 엔드"의 역할을 한다.
유일한 소재인 벽돌의 색상은 정확한 일치를 시도하지 않고 이웃의 풍화된 주식과 공명하도록 선택되었다. 벽돌 색상의 깊이는 중요한 시각적 중요성을 부여하는데, 그것은 현관 문 위의 처마 장식의 곡선된 처마 끝에 사용되었고, 모르타르 색이 효과의 일관성을 보장하기 위해 사용되었다.

A family house built against the blank gable wall of a terrace of houses in north London.

The house is at the end of a corner property facing Queens Drive, and abuts the end gable wall of no 29 King’s Crescent. The site was previously occupied by two garages probably built in the 1960s.

Conceptually the front elevation “stretches” the existing street elevation round the curve of the stair to the recessed front door. The indentation this creates separates the orthogonal volume and marks it out as the new “bookend” to the street.

The brick cornice spans the curved and square volumes. Its soffit aligns with the soffit of the extended eaves that runs along the street to reinforce the integration of the new house with the existing. The lower single storey section matches in height the lean-tos behind the Queens Drive house creating a stepped transition between the scale of the terrace and the garden. Its front elevation aligns with all the other bay windows, and acts as both a visual links and formal secondary “bookend” to the street.

The brick colour was chosen to resonate with the weathered stocks of the neighbours without attempting an exact match. It is the only facing material. The three forms of the house – one curved, and two square – are conceived as being carved from a single piece. The depth of the brick colour gives it important visual weight. It is applied to the curved soffit of the cornice over the front door and a matching mortar colour was specified in order to ensure consistency of effect.

from divisare


Designed by JB FACTORY