*공간의 구분인 듯 연결된 미니멀 아파트-[ ZROBYM Architects ] Buddha Apartment

부다 아파트 (Buddha Apartment)라는 이름의 1 베드룸 아파트는현대적인 안락함을 원하는 부부를 위해 최근 개조되었다.  미니멀리스트 디자인의 미적 감각과 아늑함을 결합시킨 이번 아파트 개조는 아파트 전면 영역을 동일한 규모를 가진 별개의 두 영역으로 분리하는 것으로 시작되었다. 거실과 부엌 겸 식당으로 구분되는 두 개의 영역은 칸막이로 구분되어 있지만 완전히 별개가 아니라 두 공간 사이의 이동이 용이하면서도 시각적 연결이 보장되어 있다.

When you think of Minsk, the uneventful capital of Belarus, while interior design excellence doesn’t immediately come to mind, you may have to reconsider when you have a look at this meticulously crafted apartment by local ZROBYM Architects. Named the Buddha Apartment, the one-bedroom property was recently renovated to accommodate a couple who requested a home of contemporary comforts that combines a minimalist design aesthetic with a sense of cosiness.

The renovation’s major spatial intervention was the separation of the apartment's front area into two distinct zones of roughly equal dimensions to accommodate the living room and kitchen-cum-dining room. Although divided by a partition wall, the two rooms are not completely disconnected, with ample space on either side of the partitioning wall that allows the easy movement between the two spaces and ensures their visual connection. Other changes to the sixty square meter apartment’s layout include the introduction of a dressing room accessed through the bedroom, and the unification of the previously separated bathroom and lavatory into a single space.


from yatzer


Designed by JB FACTORY