*자연 경관과 어우러진 호주 주택 개조-[ FMD Architects ] Old Be-al House

멜버른에 위치한 단층벽돌 주택은 주변 지역의 경관과 전통을 이어주는 공간으로 재건되었다. 집 뒤쪽에 위치한 나이 많은 유칼립투스 나무와 집 내부에 가름대로 표현한 천정, 그리고 집 전체적인 분위기가 주택 개조의 영감을 불러 일으켰다고 건축가는 밝혔다.


FMD Architects provides generous flowing living spaces with deep connection to the natural suburban landscape and the heritage of the existing house.

Located in Melbourne, a classic, single story brick veneer home from the inter-war period was the subject of renovation and extension by FMD Architects. Client’s fondness for the aged eucalypt at the existing house's rear and of its connection to the famous “Old Be-al” gum in the Mallee inspired the formal qualities of the design, most notably in the ribbed ceiling of the living spaces and the overall house’s re-orientation towards this backyard focal point.

This renovation proposed a reduction of the footprint of the house that was enabled through generously flowing living spaces with deep connections to the landscape and heritage of the existing house and surrounds. The continued influence of Old Be-al saw a marriage of materiality in the front and rear of the house, with hit-and- miss partial brick elevations filtering the passage and fall of light in the newly opened living spaces of the house's interior.

Project: Old Be-al House 

Program: renovation 

Location: Melbourne, Australia 

Architect: FMD Architects 

Design team: Fiona Dunin, Alice Edmonds, Jayme Collins, Rob Kolak 

Structural engineering: Perrett Simpson 

Contractor: Dimpat Construction 

Area: 129 sqm 

Completion: 2017

from domusweb


Designed by JB FACTORY