*미니멀리즘 디자인 갤러리 하우스 [ studio MK27 ] micasa vol.C

스튜디오 MK27의 전시장 프로젝트는 상설전시를 위한 갤러리 공간과 예술가 및 작가를 위한 거주공간을 함께 구현한다.

15미터, 15미터 입방체, 직육면체, 단순함 속에 고유한 미니멀리즘이 표현되는 디자인은 목재를 이용한 가구식 구조 위에 반투명 폴리카보네이트를 마감하였다. 이러한 단순함은 주변과의 조우를 심심하게 때로는 담담하게 엮어간다.


in são paulo, studio MK27 has completed a versatile pavilion that can serve as a retail space, an exhibition gallery, or even a temporary residence for invited artists. the building, which is located at the heart of the brazilian city, measures 15 by 15 meters (49×49 feet) with a ceiling height of 7.5 meters (25 feet). to realize the project, photographed here by fernando guerra, the design team employed a timber structural system that resulted in a fast and efficient construction.


titled ‘vol.C’, the project forms part of micasa’s furniture store complex — a campus which also includes the brand’s original retail space, vol.A, and vol.B, the annex completed by studio MK27 in 2007. the building’s envelope is made of folded sheets in two different materials: translucent polycarbonate for the upper half and a white metal plate below. during the day, the shadows of the surrounding trees are projected onto the façade, subtly infiltrating the brightly lit interior.


name: micasa vol.C
location: são paulo, brazil
dates: may, 2015 – february, 2018 
site area: 460 sqm
built area: 230 sqm

architecture: studio MK27
architect: marcio kogan 
co-architect: marcio tanaka
project team: carlos costa, diana radomysler, laura guedes, mariana ruzante, mariana simas, oswaldo pessano, raquel reznicek, renata furlanetto, samanta cafardo, tamara lichtenstein
photography: fernando guerra

structural analysis – wood: carpinteria estruturas de madeira, eng. alan dias 
structural analysis – metal (technical area): gdpe projetos estruturais
structural analysis – concrete (kitchen/bathrooms): gdpe projetos estruturais 
mep: zamaro projetos de instalações
foundation: apoio assessoria e projeto de fundações
air conditioning: thermoplan engenharia térmica
contractor: all’e engenharia, eng. luis esteves, eng. edson Kimura, eng. silvio lopes

main suppliers: carpinteria estruturas de madeira (wood structure); brigato esquadrias (polycarbonate façade); sertec soluções personalizadas (locksmith); hunter douglas (miniwave panels); idarti (light fixtures)


from designboom



Designed by JB FACTORY