* 중국 화풍을 강조하기 위해 서구적 표현을 차용한 박물관-[ Vermilion Zhou Design Group ] Song Art Museum

이번 프로젝트가 지닌 전체적인 기본 모양은 중국의 긴 스크롤과 같은 모양을 하고 있다. 약 199개의 소나무를 골라  배열하여 미술관의 본관과 고대 건물들의 복원 및 양 쪽 길의 고전적인 아치형 길을 꾸몄다. 이 모든 것은 현 오너들의 취향이자, 오리엔탈 스타일로서의 박물관을 자리매김하기 위함이었다.
'공백-떠남'이란 중국 화풍의 가장 예술적인 표현을 의미한다. 가장 순수한 백색을 강조하기 위해 서구적인 기하학적 형태로 건물을 표현하였다.


The whole base shaped like Chinese long scroll, we reconsidered the relationship between archi-tecture and courtyards. We selected and arranged almost 199 pine trees to scatter around, taking the art museum as the main building, restoration of ancient buildings and resettlement of ancient archway at two side, these are present owners preference and positioning the museum as an ori-ental style.

"Blank-leaving" is the most artistic expression in the art of Chinese painting. The geometrical form is the most objective expression in Western logical thinking. The architecture of the muse-um, where we removed the symbols of the Western to give the purest whiteness, connected toge-ther with new corridor by several different geometric buildings, in order to have new conversation in between; indoor the vertical circulation, giving more dimensions of stretching.

Architects: Vermilion Zhou Design Group

Location: Beijing, China

Architect in Charge: Kuang Ming Chou

Area: 2200.0 m2

Project Year: 2017

Photographs: Zhi Xia

The significance of the art museum is to present the art. As a platform for displaying it, our definition of Song Art Museum is an "art container", with art as its mainstay and container as its complement, and in the future it can also easy be duplicated in any other place with it’s own langu-age, we intent to give the architecture and space more possibility.

Song Art Museum transforms everything into geometry, purity, like Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu said, "govern without intervention" from the outside to inner. With its clean existence, any kind of contemporary art is welcome to enter, to vitality showing without scruples. The courtyard surrounded by the pine trees, to give the external vitality of Song Art Museum, the scenery becomes the breath of both inside and outside. The oriental sense also becomes the na-tural rhythm of mutual attraction between traditional and modern architecture.

from archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY