*상해 RV 홍보관-[two-storey building in shanghai to promote the ‘RV lifestyle’]

naturalbuild는 상하이에 중국 대중에게 'RV 라이프 스타일'을 홍보하기 위한 2층 구조의 다기능 건물을 설계했다. 구조는 상하이 자동차 엑스포 공원 북쪽에 위치한 레크리에이션 차량 캠프장의 한가운데에 있다. 건물은 불규칙한 사각형 모양을 하고 있으며, 하나의 파사드가 남쪽의 인접한 공원으로 이어진다.


naturalbuild has designed a multi-functional two-storey building in shanghai, which intends to promote the ‘RV lifestyle’ to the chinese public. the structure stands in the middle of a recreation vehicle campground on the north side of shanghai auto expo park. responding to the site, the building has an irregular quadrangle footprint with one façade that opens out onto the adjacent park to the south.

recognizing that recreational vehicles, or RVs, have never been particularly popular in china, the shanghai international autocity group (SIAC) decided to commission the project in order to bring attention to the possibilities of the vehicles. responding to the brief, naturalbuild sought to find a balance between inclusiveness and exclusiveness by creating a space that is half-unified and half-divided.

from designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY