*120년 전통의 오랜 건물과 통합을 이루며 리노베이션한 뉴욕 오피스-[ OLSON KUNDIG ] MEDIA HEADQUARTERS

1910년에 만들어진 이 건물을 현대적인 미디어 본부의 기술과 융합시키는 공간으로 탈바꿈되어, 직원들의 다양한 작업 공간을 제공하는 작은 스튜디오와 매장으로 나누어진 곳으로 재탄생하였다.
120년 전통의 유니언 스퀘어 빌딩 내에 자리 잡은 2층 43,000 평방 피트의 공간은 건물의 원래 강철 구조와 벽돌 벽을 보여 줌으로써 그 역사적인 중요성을 유지하고 있으며 인테리어 벽과 건물 시스템, 그리고 마감재 및 비품을 포함한 새로운 건축물의 추가된 구성들은 기존의 건물 요소와 통합되고 있다.
클라이언트의 이전 오픈 오피스 환경과는 달리, 공동 작업실은 공간 깊숙히 자연광을 끌어들이는 큰 경계창 주위에 구성되고 있는데 작업 공간의 개별화뿐만 아니라 영역별 소규모 팀공동 작업이 가능하도록 살롱을 확장하여 조용하지만 협업이 용이한 환경을 조성한다.

The design of the new 60,000 SF office transformed the 1910 building into a space that melds its original patina with the technology of a modern media headquarters. Areas are broken down into smaller studios and parlors giving employees a range of work spaces to choose from.

Housed within an historic 120-year-old Union Square Building, the two-story 43,000 square foot space is located in what was once New York’s epicenter of fashion retail, the so-called “Ladies’ Mile.” A physical extension of client’s desire for transparency, the design of the space reveals the building’s original steel structure and brick walls, preserving its historic materiality. New architectural insertions, including interior walls and building systems as well as finishes and fixtures, integrate with original building elements, a juxtapose of past and present. A high contrast palette of soft white, day-lit “working salons” surrounded by a dark spine of blackened steel stairs, warm inktones and dark woods create a framework for flexible use and transformation of the space from day to night.

In contrast with the client’s previous open-office environment, the shared working salons are organized around large perimeter windows that draw natural daylight deep into the space. Salons are scaled to allow for small-team collaborations as well as the individualization of workspaces and environmental control by zone to encourage a quiet yet collaborative, headset-free environment.

The central stair, which also acts as a gathering space and theater, provides a strong connection between the two floors. This space, along with the adjacent reading room, conservatory and lounge, offers flexible areas for writers, designers, and sales and technology workers to meet in groups or work independently. In the evening, projection screens, large pivoting and sliding doors, and theatrical curtains transform the workplace into a hub for parties, films, lectures and cultural convening.

from divisare


Designed by JB FACTORY