*미니멀한 블랙이 특색인 테이크아웃 커피숍-[This Tiny Coffee Shop Was Created From A Small Unused Service Door]

한 때 작은 식당이었던 곳은 이제 테이크아웃 커피숍인 'the coffee'가 되었다. 버티컬 칸막이가 있는 미니멀한 블랙 디자인은 거리의 다른 상점이나 레스토랑과는 대조적이다. 내부의 목재 칸막이는 외부의 어두운 칸막이를 보완하고, 커피숍은 겨우 32평방미터일 뿐인데, 에스프레소 기계가 서비스 공간에 위치해 있고 그 반대편은 글로시한 검은 색 서브웨이 타일(벽돌모양의 쪽타일)로 이뤄진 벽이 있다.

Studio Boscardin.Corsi Arquitetura have transformed what was once a small service door, which was unusable by the restaurant next door, and created ‘the coffee’, a small hole-in-the-wall takeaway coffee shop in Brazil.

The minimal black design with vertical slats stands apart from the other stores and restaurants on the street. At night the white box becomes a bright beacon to people on the street, drawing them to the coffee shop.

The small interior of the coffee shop measures in at just 32 square feet (3sqm). Inside, wood slats complement the dark slats on the exterior, and the espresso machine was positioned to the side of the service area so that the barista never has their back to the counter, while on the opposite side, there’s a wall of glossy black subway tiles.

from contemporist


Designed by JB FACTORY