*중정형 하우스 [ Fujiwaramuro Architects ] House in Sekiya

역설적으로 주거밀집지역에 위치한 주거는 프라이버시 침해가 있습니다. 불필요한 이웃간의 시선 및 간섭이 발생하기 마련입니다. Fujiwaramuro가 설계한 Sekiya주택은 이러한 거주환경을 극복하기 위해, 내부로 열린 주거를 제안합니다. 가운데 위치한 중정을 중심으로 ㅁ자 공간을 배치합니다. 거실, 주방, 다다미방, 아이들을 위한 방과 욕실은 각자의 위치에서 독립적인 기능을 유지하면서 이웃한 공간과 밀접한 관계를 수행하도록 배치됩니다.

House in Sekiya is a minimalist residence located in Nara, Japan, designed by Fujiwaramuro Architects. This single-story home with a courtyard is located in a residential district with large lots. In response to the client’s desire to maintain privacy in relation to the surrounding houses, the design includes a minimum of outward-facing windows and doors, instead arranging the rooms around a central courtyard so that this courtyard is visible from all points in the house. Due to the living room, kitchen, Japanese-style room, children’s room, and bathroom facing each other across the courtyard, the design pays particular attention to the relationships between the lines of sight from each room.

For example, the elevation of the floor in the children’s room is lowered, the window in the Japanese-style room is small and low, and the bath is sunk into the floor, all of which helps prevent lines of sight from confronting one another while creating unique perspectives onto the garden from each room. Planting Japanese ash, rhododendrons (azalea), and other plants around the exterior of the house and installing a bench created connections with the streetscape. The residents are able to enjoy the changing light and appearance of the plants throughout the four seasons.

Photography by Toshiyuki Yano

from leibal


Designed by JB FACTORY