*사막위에 하우스 [ marc thorpe ] sharp house

임의형식의 우선순위, 장식적 요소 및 장식품, 기타 등등 공간이 추구하는 본질과 괴리감이 있는 것들은 지양합니다. 미국 산타페, 사막 한가운데 위치한 콘크리트 하우스는 이러한 디자인 당위성을 바탕으로 진행됩니다. 콘크리트와 전창으로 이루어진 심플한 건축은 내부공간의 기능적 관계를 적나라하게 나타나게 합니다.

marc thorpe design presents a minimalist desert retreat, developed for a retired new york city couple, entitled ‘the sharp house.’ located north of santa fe, new mexico on five acres of land, the house is designed with the intention to be as economical as possible in its construction. the featured building material of the house is exposed cast in place concrete with full height glass apertures to the north and south to allow for solar gain and cross ventilation. the interior spaces, covering 2000 square feet, comprise two bedrooms, dining, kitchen, living areas, and bath. toward the west, an integrated ladder offers access to the roof for views of the dusk and evening sky.

the design of marc thorpe’s sharp house maintains material and geometric integrity within the architecture and makes use of these elements to reflect the program. the resulting volume expresses a neo-brutalist approach to space, a declaration against the tendency of mainstream architectural practice to prioritize exterior ornament, decorative façades, and arbitrary forms. in contradiction, the sharp house is meticulously designed as a study of space, light, and shadow — an investigation of the essence of architectural experience.


project title: sharp house

architecture: MTD | marc thorpe design

construction and fabrication: ABConstruction

furniture: moroso + casamania, design by marc thorpe


image credit: truetopia


from desginboom


Designed by JB FACTORY