*코워킹 오피스 [ Design Command ] Landmark Space Portman House Coworking Offices


디자인 커맨드가 인테리어 디자인한 랜드마크 스페이스, 포츠맨 하우스가 잉글랜드 런던에 오픈합니다.

다양한 작업환경을 충족시키기 위한 코워킹 오피스, 포츠맨 하우스는 최대한 오픈플랜으로 평면을 디자인 함으로써 각 영역의 작업동선과 조도를 확보합니다. 각 작업공간은 성격과 쓰임새에 따라 다른 컬러로 구분되어 집니다. 집중을 위한 공간은 조용하고 정적으로 디자인하는 반면, 다양한 토론과 협업이 필요한 팀작업 공간은 활동적인 열린공간으로 디자인 됩니다.

Design Command has completed the interior fit-out for the Landmark Space Portman House coworking offices located in London, England. Landmark provides its clients with a wide range of working environments. The sites are open plan to maximise space, light and flow of movement – enhancing the atmosphere within each site. To differentiate between work spaces, colour palettes are used to divide the space into specific zones for designated tasks.

Some work spaces are for focussed, quiet tasks where concentration is essential. Other work spaces are for team discussions and collaborative production. Therefore, some spaces are a relaxed more informal setting while others are more formal and private.

The reception is the welcoming zone therefore lighter, more reflective materials are used to enhance the light and create a bright, open environment.

Meeting rooms are a more formal setting used for impressing clients. A more muted, richer palette of colours are used – rich tan leathers and luxurious dark blues with metallic extravagant wallpaper.

The social zone is designed to mimic a hospitality space. It was designed to be a light and inspiring space using a light backdrop and injections of intense colours. Orange is associated with enthusiasm and warmth. It is thought of as an optimistic and extroverted colour, this was used on site to encourage communication and collaboration. Teal is thought to have tranquil and stability as its colour properties, evoking restfulness and balance. By combining these two colours into the concept, we have created a scheme that enables clients to work together and relax simultaneously in the break out social space.

The private zone is more calming, the colours and tones are more muted to create a peaceful setting. Darker tones are used as they are thought to channel and focus the mind.

Designer: Design Command

Architect: Garnett Netherwood Architects

Contractor: Claremont

Photography: Richard Townshend

from retaildesignblog


Designed by JB FACTORY