*스위스 컨셉 [ Francesc Rifé Studio ] Swiss Concept

스페인 발렌시아에 위치한 미니멀 공간; 스위스 컨셉은 동양적 미학을 모티브로 디자인된 성형, 치과을 포함한 토탈 뷰티케어 공간입니다. 목재로 이루어진 전반적인 내부마감은 간결한 선과 반투명 파티션으로 차분하면서도 정제된 공간미를 전달합니다.

Swiss Concept is a minimalist space located in Valencia, Spain, designed by Francesc Rifé Studio. Inspired by Eastern aesthetic, this facial surgery and dental clinic was conceived as a beauty sanctuary. The aim was to express deep thoughts with very simple means: through light wood to give the space a calm feel, but also with backlit translucent glass to capture the emotion of light.

Photography by David Zarzoso



from leibal



Designed by JB FACTORY